Industry Reference Committee

The Industry Reference Committee (IRC) was made up of people with experience, skills and knowledge in the agriculture and production horticulture industry, covering a breadth of experience from across relevant sectors.

The IRC acted as a conduit for industry to provide feedback to government about industry trends and skills needs, and has responsibility for overseeing the development of units of competency, skill sets and qualifications for the industry it services.

Throughout the duration of its role as a Skills Service Organisation, Skills Impact provided support services to a group of related IRCs so they could effectively connect and engage with industry about their skill needs. All IRCs were appointed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC). Nominees operated in the best interest of the industry sector.


Past Meetings

The Timber and Wood Processing Industry Reference Committee was operational from 2017 to 2022, including meetings on:

13 November 2019

7 March 2019

27 March 2018*

27 November 2017

5 April 2017

14 February 2017 – Induction and initial meeting

Note: the Forest and Wood Products Industry Reference Committee was previously responsible for overseeing theĀ development of units of competency, skill sets and qualifications for the timber and wood processing sectors.


Committee Membership

Member Type
Clarissa Brandt (chair)Timber QueenslandPeak/Advisory/Association
Denise Campbell-BurnsCFMEU Manufacturing DivisionEmployee Association
Suzanne McCavanaghForests Products Commission WAGovernment
Maree McCaskillTimber NSWPeak/Advisory/Association
Lesia ClarkVictorian Forest Products Association (VFPA)Peak/Advisory/Association
Victor ViolanteAustralian Forest Products Association (AFPA)Peak/Advisory/Association


Operating Framework for IRCs

IRCs provided the industry engagement mechanism at the centre of training package development (units of competency, skill sets and qualifications). They provided a conduit for industry feedback to government on industry trends and for promotion of VET. The primary purpose of the IRC was to provide advice to the AISC about the skills needs of their industry or sector, based on their experience and expertise.

IRCs performed the following functions, with support by Skills Impact:

  • Gathered general intelligence for their industry sectors to inform advice on training package development and review
  • Oversaw the development and review of training packages in accordance with the requirements of the AISC
  • Oversaw the development of the IRC work plan by the SSO, advising who should be included in the consultation and the type of information to include
  • Provided sign off on the work plan, business cases, cases for endorsement and other submissions for consideration by the AISC
  • Reported to the AISC on progress of its work
  • Promoted the use of VET in the sectors they represent.

Full details of the Operating Framework for Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) can beĀ viewed here.