Since 2019, the Agriculture and Production Horticulture Industry Reference Committee (IRC) and the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation and Land Management IRC have been overseeing a major review of the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package through a ‘Unit Sector Approach’. The project work to date has focused on updating the sector-specific qualifications and units of competency to meet current skills requirements, especially where technologies are quickly evolving. This project continues that process with a focus on the skills for pork and poultry production. It is proposed to be followed in 2022-23 by a project focusing on livestock production.The Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) approved this project, out of the 2021 Annual Update to the IRC Skills Forecast
(see pages 63-68).The Agriculture and Production Horticulture IRC will oversee this project as part of their responsibility to support engagement with the industry, and to ensure the project meets industry stakeholder needs.Skills Impact will manage this project, consistent with the
2012 Standards for Training Package Development.
Download Project Proposal (see pages 63-68)
Expertise in animal welfare, safety and sustainability are critical for pig and poultry farmers. Chicken meat, eggs and pork are popular products in Australia, with chicken consumption almost doubling that of beef, and pork not far behind. On average each Australian consumes, 247 eggs per year. It is important that national skills standards for pig and poultry production are kept up to date, so that the expertise for this work is captured and passed on to future learners.Industry feedback has indicated that the units of competency associated with for pig and poultry farming do not reflect current industry practices or legislation. Consultation will take place throughout this project to update the units so that they capture industry standards of animal welfare, safety and sustainability and so that they are in line with relevant legislation. Consideration will also be given to current skills needs in auditing, quality assurance, and biosecurity, which are important for traceability and animal health. Skills in animal husbandry practices, animal behaviour, handling techniques and animal nutrition requirements will also be reviewed so that they match current industry practices, technologies and tools.

While chicken is the primary poultry farmed in Australia, the skills standards will be reviewed so that they can be contextualised for duck, geese, turkey and other poultry farmed in Australia, so that current skills for this work are also captured in nationally endorsed units of competency.
Project Scope
This project entails the review of 10 pork and 11 poultry units, along with nine skill sets. Relevant qualifications will be updated to reflect the changes to the units.
August 2021
Initial scopingSeptember-January 2021
Development of draft qualifications, skill sets and unitsJanuary-February 2021
Drafts available for broad consultationMarch 2021
Validation of final draftsApril 2022
Finalisation of Training Package componentsMay 2022
Independent Quality Assurance, and Edit and Equity review of Training Package componentsAugust 2022
IRC consideration for sign-off and submission for endorsementRelevant Occupations
- Piggery attendant
- Pig Stockperson
- Poultry hand
- Poultry meat stockperson
- Poultry egg stockperson
Project Team
William Henderson | Industry Skills Standards Specialist, Skills Impact | [email protected] |
Andrew Horgan | Industry Engagement Manager, Skills Impact | [email protected] |
Tom Vassallo | Industry Skill Standards Development Manager and Strategic Training Package Review Specialist | [email protected] |
Opportunities for stakeholder input
Those with experience and knowledge in pork or poultry production, who are able to describe the skills needed for this industry are invited to engage with this project.It is important that training provides a skilled and flexible workforce for the future. The units need to reflect real work experience. So, if you work in the sector, Skills Impact welcomes your input and assistance.The skills standards will be drafted in consultation with Subject Matter Experts and their networks. Opportunities to provide targeted feedback will occur when the draft skills standards are made available in September/October, and again for validation of final drafts in November. However, your feedback is welcomed at any time, and will help us in drafting the qualifications, skill set and units.Please register your interest in project updates and consultation opportunities by contacting the project manager, William Henderson
[email protected]. You are also welcome to subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates about the project.
Note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Webinars will be held to replace the face-to-face consultation workshops Skills Impact would usually host around Australia.Stakeholder Consultation Process
A list of key stakeholder organisations has been identified for this project based on their industry role, size or specialty. Skills Impact will ensure contact is made with each of these organisations to seek their involvement and views on all draft skill sets and units. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list, they have simply been identified as the most, likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this projectIf you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team to ensure they are contacted by us.
Pig and poultry farmers rely on skills in animal welfare, safety and sustainability to raise and care for their animals used for eggs and meat. Eggs, chicken meat and pork are popular products in Australia, so it is important that industry has access to a skilled workforce to keep up with demand. Industry feedback has indicated that some of the units of competency for pig and poultry farming do not reflect current industry practices or legislation.Industry subject matter experts are being consulted to review and revise current pork and poultry units and qualifications, so that they incorporate industry standards of animal welfare, safety and sustainability and are in line with relevant legislation. The units listed as 'core' within the Certificate III in Pork Production are undergoing extensive review, to incorporate skills standards around biosecurity, current work health and safety practices, and animal welfare requirements. Industry subject matter experts have suggested two different streams of specialisations for the Certificate III in Poultry Production, one for learners who would like to specialise in the more traditional poultry farm-hand position and the other to focus on the poultry specialists who travel farm to farm undertaking specific tasks, such as animal vaccinations and some cleaning tasks.

Development outcomes and next steps
The draft units and qualifications are scheduled to be available on the project webpage for broad stakeholder consultation and feedback in the first quarter of 2022, under the ‘Drafts Available’ menu above. Your input is welcome, please feel free to register your interest to keep informed of project updates and when draft documents are available for feedback.
Up to date skills standards are essential for poultry and pig farmers as they continue to produce quality eggs, poultry meat and pork, which are staple foods in Australia. Feedback from industry has indicated that some of the units of competency for the pork and poultry sector do not reflect current industry practices or legislation. Updates are needed to reflect current skills requirements in biosecurity, work health and safety, and animal welfare practices. Consultation is taking place throughout this project to revise current pork and poultry units and qualifications, so that they incorporate current industry standards.Thank you to those who provided feedback on draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency for the pork and poultry sectors that were made available from 18 February until 22 March 2022. The draft documents and any comments made are still available to view below.
The units, skill sets and qualifications were updated so that they reflect current industry practices and skills needs. A number of changes were made to the core, structure, and unit lists in the qualifications. In response to industry feedback, specialisations for traditional poultry workers, poultry breeders, poultry egg graders and poultry contract workers were included in the
Certificate III in Poultry Production. The units listed as 'core' within the
Certificate III in Pork Production were updated to incorporate skills standards around biosecurity, current work health and safety practices, and animal welfare requirements. Changes were made to the performance evidence of the units and Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) of one unit so that they better reflect the level of skill required for job roles. Skill sets were updated to include descriptions to reflect the purpose of each skill set.Feedback was sought about whether the draft qualifications, skill sets and units reflect the current skills standards and practices of industry, and whether job functions are accurately described.Feedback will inform the work on the final drafts which will be available for industry validation in April.
Changes were made to the core units, structure of the qualification and some of the pork (PRK) units within elective and core groups have been moved.
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereSkill sets were updated to reflect changes to the units and unit codes. Descriptions were added to reflect the purpose of the skill sets.
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereUnits were updated to incorporate skills standards around biosecurity, current work health and safety practices, and animal welfare requirements. Changes were made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the units to better reflect industry practice. Changes were also been made to the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) level of
AHCPRK4X1 Implement a feeding strategy for pig production so that it better reflects the skills required.
Unit and name | Link |
AHCPRK2X1 Care for health and welfare of pigs | View unit |
AHCPRK2X2 Move and handle pigs | View unit |
AHCPRK3X1 Care for sows prior, during and after farrowing | View unit |
AHCPRK3X2 Care for grower and finisher pigs | View unit |
AHCPRK3X3 Care for weaner pigs | View unit |
AHCPRK3X4 Treat rectal prolapse in pigs | View unit |
AHCPRK4X1 Implement a feeding strategy for pig production | View unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereAHCPRK306 Monitor and maintain outdoor pig production was proposed for deletion as feedback indicated it does not reflect industry skills needs. It previously appeared on this page as a redeveloped unit,
AHCPRK4X2 Supervise pig production farms. However, the subject matter working group provided additional feedback that the unit was no longer required by industry.
Changes were made to the core units and structure of the qualification and some of the poultry (PLY) units within elective and core groups are proposed to move. Specialisations weren developed for traditional poultry workers, poultry breeders, poultry egg graders and poultry contract workers.
Qualification code and name | Link |
AHC305XX Certificate III in Poultry Production | View qualification |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereSkill sets were updated to reflect changes to the units and unit codes. Descriptions were added to reflect the purpose of the skill sets.
Skill set code and name | Link |
AHCSS000X1 Poultry Egg Industry Pullet Rearing Skill Set | View skill set |
AHCSS000X2 Poultry Industry Stockperson Skill Set | View skill set |
AHCSS000X3 Poultry Hatchery Skill Set | View skill set |
AHCSS000X4 Poultry Health Skill Set | View skill set |
AHCSS000X5 Poultry Industry Husbandry Skill Set | View skill set |
AHCSS000X6 Poultry Industry Egg Collection and Packing on Farm Skill Set | View skill set |
AHCSS000X7 Poultry Industry Egg Grading and Packing at Grading Floor Skill Set | View skill set |
AHCSS000X8 Poultry Meat Industry Stockpersons Skill Set | View skill set |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereUnit code and name | Changes | Link |
AHCPLY2X1 Collect store and handle eggs from breeder flocks | Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
AHCPLY2X2 Maintain health and welfare of poultry | Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
AHCPLY2X3 Set up shed for placement of point of lays or day-old poultry | Previously AHCPLY203 Set up shed for placement of day-old chickensFeedback is sought on whether the job function this unit describes is still required by industry.Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
AHCPLY2X4 Collect and pack eggs for human consumption | Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
AHCPLY2X5 Grade and pack eggs for human consumption | Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
AHCPLY2X6 Catch and load poultry | Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
AHCPLY3X1 Brood Poultry | Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
AHCPLY3X2 Incubate eggs | Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
AHCPLY3X3 Clean and disinfect poultry production sheds | Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
AHCPLY3X4 Implement and monitor biosecurity measures in poultry production | Changes have been made to the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions of the unit to better reflect industry practice. | View unit |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereSummary of Consultation to Date
The units have been drafted in consultation with subject matter experts. They have considered feedback that was received out of Workforce Functional Analysis workshops in October and November 2021, and in January and February 2022. People working directly in the pork and poultry industries participated and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job roles and tasks. Thank you to those who provided feedback during these activities.
Skills in biosecurity, animal welfare, safety and sustainability are crucial for pig and poultry farmers to raise and care for animals used to produce some of the staple foods in Australia. It is important that qualification and skills standards for this work are kept up to date. Consultation is underway to revise current pork and poultry units and qualifications, so that they incorporate current industry practices and standards and accurately reflect job functions.Thank you to those who provided feedback on the final drafts for pig and poultry farming, which were made available on this webpage from 3 May until 27 May 2022.The qualifications, skill sets and units were updated so that they are clearer and more accurately reflect industry skills requirements. This includes updates to the core and elective lists within the Certificate III in Pork Production so that it accurately reflects the essential skills required of learners. Specialisation titles within the Certificate III in Poultry Production were updated and packaging rules updated to decrease the core, increase electives and stipulate that one specialisation must be completed.

Skill sets across both sectors were updated to reflect relevant skills and changes to the units. Eight skills sets were proposed for deletion as feedback to date has indicated they are no longer needed by industry. Five new skill sets were created to reflect the five specialisations in the
Certificate III in Poultry Production.Changes were made to the units to improve clarity, reduce duplication and accurately reflect the level of skill required. Consideration was given to the performance evidence of both and pork and poultry units, which require live animals to be used. Further information about these discussion and their outcomes is available below.
Summary of Consultation and Feedback
Thank you to the stakeholders who provided feedback on the drafts that were made available from 18 February until 22 March 2022 under the ‘Drafts Available’ stage. During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, webinars, phone and emails. The units were drafted with guidance from Subject Matter Experts, made up of workplace experts and industry.
Key changes as a result of the ‘Drafts Available’ stage include:
Certificate III in Pork Production
- Unit Implement feeding plans for intensive production was added to Elective Group A Pork Production.
- Number of units required to be completed from Group B Livestock Husbandry increased from three to at least five units.
- Units selected outside the qualification was reduced from two to one.
Skill Sets
- The Pig Health Supervisor Skill Set was retitled to Livestock Health and Welfare Supervisor Skill Set to more accurately reflect the skill set outcome (no changes made to the skill set requirements).
- Four units had their codes updated within the Pork Industry Stockperson Skill Set (no other changes made).
- Pork Industry Euthanasia Skill Set was proposed for deletion.
Units of Competency
- Minor changes were made in some units to increase clarity in the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and to reduce duplication in the Knowledge Evidence.
- Unit Monitor and maintain outdoor pig production was proposed for deletion.
Animal ethics concernsThe revised pork units (AHCPRK) state the Performance Evidence be assessed in a pork production site that includes live pigs. Some units require the administering of treatments to live pigs and the removal/isolation of dead, non-viable or ill pigs. Feedback was received that these requirements may create Animal Ethics Committee issues and may also limit access to these units for some RTOs/learners.The subject matter expert working group (including representatives from industry and RTOs) carefully considered this feedback (including suggestions to allow replica animals and simulated workplaces). The outcome of this discussion was the advice not change these requirements.Further information about the reasoning for this decision from the subject matter expert working group is provided in the
Pork Production updates for Validation phase document.
Key changes as a result of the ‘Drafts Available’ stage include:
Certificate III in Poultry Production
- Packaging rules were changed to update the number of core and elective units required, and to require at least on specialisation to be completed.
- Specialisations titles were updated from the previous draft to poultry farm technician, poultry breeding technician, egg grader, poultry services provider, and a new poultry hatchery technician specialisation.
- Unit mix and mandatory units to achieve each specialisation were revised.
- Units were added and removed from General Elective Group F.
Skill Sets
- Seven existing skill sets were proposed for deletion due to no enrolments.
- Five new skill sets were created to reflect the five specialisations Certificate III in Poultry Production.
Units of Competency
- Minor changes were made in some units to increase clarity in the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and to reduce duplication in the Knowledge Evidence.
- ‘Safe and low stress animal handling techniques’ was added to the Performance Criteria and Knowledge Evidence in some units for consistency with the units and across the units.
- AHCPLY2X2 Maintain health and welfare of poultry was revised to reflect AQF level outcomes and recoded to AHCPLY3X5.
- Set up sheds or placement of point of lay or day old poultry was revised to cover a broader range of poultry and reflect Australia Qualification Framework (AQF) level outcomes. The unit is now AHCPLY3XX Set up sheds for poultry production.
- AHCPLY2X3 Set up sheds or placement of point of lay or day old poultry was revised to cover a broader range of poultry and reflect AQF level outcomes. The unit is now AHCPLY3X6 Set up sheds for placement of poultry
- Knowledge Evidence revised in AHCPLY3X1 Brood poultry to remove duplication.
- AHCPLY3X4 Implement and monitor biosecurity measures in poultry production had Element 4 removed; Performance Criteria removed, added and revised; Foundation Skills and Knowledge Evidence updated to better reflect specific national Poultry Production biosecurity codes and outcomes. The subject matter expert working group (SMEWG) also compared this unit to two existing generic AHC biosecurity units and advised the generic units were not appropriate for the commercial poultry production sector.
Animal ethics concernsThe revised poultry units (AHCPLY) require the Performance Evidence to be assessed in a 'commercial poultry production site or an environment that accurately represents workplace conditions', which includes live poultry. The revised unit
Maintain health and welfare of poultry requires administering treatments to a group of at least 20 live birds, the removal of one dead bird, and the isolation of one bird showing signs of illness.Feedback was received that these requirements may create Animal Ethics Committee issues and may also limit access to these units for some RTOs/learners. The SMEWG (that includes representatives from industry and RTOs) carefully considered this feedback (including suggestions to allow replica animals). The outcome of this discussion by the SMEWG was to not change these requirements.Further information about the reasoning for this decision from the SMEWG is provided in the
Poultry Production updates for Validation phase document.
Pork Qualification, Skill sets and Units
Unit code and name | Proposed Changes or Rationale | Link |
AHC304XX Certificate III in Pork Production |
- AHCLSK310 Implement feeding plans for intensive production has been added to Elective Group A Pork Production.
- Units selected from Group B Livestock Husbandry has increased from three to at least five units.
- Units selected outside the qualification has reduced from two to one.
| View final qualification |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereSkill set code and name | Proposed Changes or Rationale | Link |
AHCSS00122 Pork Industry Stockperson Skill Set | Four units have had their codes updated within the skill set requirements, no other changes made. | View final skill set |
AHCSSPORK000X1 Livestock Health and Welfare Supervisor Skill Set | Retitled the Pig Health Supervisor Skill Set to Livestock Health and Welfare Supervisor Skill Set to reflect more accurately the skill set outcome (no changes made to the skill set requirements). | View final skill set |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereMinor changes have been made in some units to increase clarity in the Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and to reduce duplication in the Knowledge Evidence.
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking herePoultry Qualification, Skill sets and Units
Qualification code and name | Proposed Changes or Rationale | Link |
AHC305XX Certificate III in Poultry Production |
- Packaging rules changed to decrease core from seven to four units, increase electives from nine to 12 units, and to require at least one specialisation to be completed.
- Specialisations titles updated to poultry farm technician, poultry breeding technician, egg grader, poultry services provider, and a new poultry hatchery technician specialisation.
- Unit mix and mandatory units to achieve each specialisation have been revised.
- Units added and removed from General Elective Group F.
| View final qualification |
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereFive new Skill Sets created to reflect the five specialisations in Certificate III Poultry Production
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking here
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by
clicking hereSeven skill sets are proposed for deletion as feedback to date has indicated they are not required by industry. The newly proposed skill sets are more appropriately aligned to currently industry skills needs.
Pig and poultry farmers are reliant on skills in biosecurity, animal welfare, safety and sustainability to raise and care for animals used to produce food. As industry continually works to build and improve on its skills in these areas, it is important that qualification and skills standards are updated to reflect the latest standards.Consultation took place throughout this project to revise pork and poultry units, skill sets and qualifications, so that they incorporate current industry practices and job functions and support pathways for graduates into employment. The Certificate III in Pork Production underwent structural revisions so that it accurately reflects the essential skills required of learners. The Certificate III in Poultry Production was updated with a new structure and specialisations for poultry farm technicians, poultry breeding technicians, egg graders, poultry services providers, and hatchery technicians.
Skill sets across both types of farming were updated to reflect relevant skills and changes to the units, with poultry skill sets undergoing an overhaul to improve their deliverability.Units were updated to better reflect modern industry practices, with crucial skills in biosecurity described for both industries, so that future graduates will be equipped with expertise in prevention, recognition and disease awareness if outbreaks occur. Mandatory workplace requirements were introduced into the pork units and a new pork (PRK) unit on caring for sows before, during and after farrowing has been developed.The updated units, skill sets and qualifications have been endorsed and are published on the national training register (
Key changes
- The Certificate III in Pork Production underwent structural revisions, with some core and elective units moved and changes to the number of units required to be completed the from the core or elective lists or permitted to be completed from outside the qualification.
- Two skill sets were updated to reflect changes to the units and unit codes. Descriptions were added to reflect the purpose of the skill sets. The Pig Health Supervisor Skill Set was retitled to Livestock Health and Welfare Supervisor Skill Set to more accurately reflect the skill set outcome (no changes made to the skill set requirements).
- Seven units were revised to incorporate skills standards around biosecurity, current work health and safety practices, and animal welfare requirements. Changes have been made to increase clarity in the performance criteria, performance evidence and to reduce duplication in the knowledge evidence.
- Pork Industry Euthanasia Skill Set was deleted as it is no longer reflects industry skill needs.
- Unit Monitor and maintain outdoor pig production was deleted as it is no longer reflects industry skill needs.
- The Certificate III in Poultry Production underwent structural revisions, with changes to the lists of core units and elective units and to the number of core and elective units required. Specialisations were developed, including poultry farm technician, poultry breeding technician, egg grader, poultry services provider, and poultry hatchery technician.
- Five new skill sets were created to reflect the five specialisations Certificate III in Poultry Production.
- Seven existing skill sets were proposed for deletion as they have had no enrolments in recent years and are no longer required by industry.
- Ten units were revised to improve clarity and better match industry practice, including:
- changes to the Australian qualification framework (AQF) level of some units
- updates to Set up sheds or placement of point of lay or day old poultry to include a broader range of poultry, with name changed to Set up sheds for poultry production
- addition of ‘safe and low stress animal handling techniques’ to the performance criteria and knowledge evidence in some units to support animal welfare consistently across units
- changes to unit Implement and monitor biosecurity measures in poultry production to better reflect specific national poultry production biosecurity codes and outcomes.
Summary of Consultation
A Subject Matter Expert Working Group was established to identify the skills and knowledge required for pig and poultry farming. The broader industry was consulted on the draft documents at two different stages – the ‘Drafts Available’ and ‘Validation’ stages. Industry from across Australia provided input via the Skills Impact feedback hub, webinars, email, and phone.A description of how feedback has been considered and applied at the ‘Drafts Available’ stage can be downloaded below. A summary of feedback from the ‘Validation’ stage will be available soon.
The final draft units of competency, skill sets and qualifications were endorsed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) on 29 November 2023 (
read the communique). They were then forwarded to the state and territory skills ministers for endorsement. They have undergone an edit and equity and independent quality assurance process, including support from the Agriculture and Production Horticulture IRC. They have also been considered by the State/Territory Training Authorities (STAs/TTAs). The units, skill sets and qualifications have been published on the national training register (
training.gov.au).A Companion Volume Implementation Guide was also been produced to assist industry and registered training providers (RTOs) deliver the units, qualifications and skill sets. It contains key information to help trainers adapt to any new changes, as well as additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training.
Download the Case for Endorsement
Download the Companion Volume Implementation guide Part 1
Download the Companion Volume Implementation guide Part 2Pork
Seven skill sets were deleted as feedback indicated they are not required by industry.