High-Level Forestry Skills Project

Menu: Click across the green arrows to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.


Forest harvesting and haulage contractors work in remote areas, requiring a unique set of safety skills. Foresters require a safety mindset that accounts for the impact of an isolated working environment, including the implications for mental health and the fact that some areas may not be easily accessed by rescue teams. This project proposes the development of a skill set and up to two new units of competency for operators, relating to shaping and sustaining safety culture and practices whilst working in remote high-risk operations.The Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) approved this project, out of the 2020 Annual Update to the IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work.The Forest Management and Harvesting Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will oversee this project as part of their responsibility to support engagement with the sector, and to ensure the project meets industry stakeholder needs.Skills Impact and ForestWorks will manage this project, consistent with the 2012 Standards for Training Package Development.Download Project Proposal (see page 67)


The process to grow sustainable forests for timber, wood and fibre products requires a team of professional foresters and forest workers. Given the scope of this work and the often vast or remote spaces it takes place in, skills for high-level roles to supervise, plan and manage production forests and commercial plantations are essential. Expertise is required for optimising forest management practices, to improve forest health and wood flow outcomes and to promote safe work practices. These skills are in high demand in Australia, however there is a shortage of people qualified and available to perform the work. This project will review and update skills standards and qualifications for high level forestry jobs so that they better support career pathways and reflect the current skills required to grow and harvest forests sustainably.
Foresters have adapted to using a range of new digital and spatial technologies since the Diploma and Certificate IV qualifications were last reviewed. Updated skills are needed at a senior level to develop digital forest maps and harvest instructions files and for the management and analysis of harvesting optimisation data. Expertise is also required for the collection of forestry data using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and interpretation and use of image data in forestry planning and management. With these advances, practices for sustainable and safe forest management have expanded and relevant skills need to be reflected in national skills standards.Industry will be consulted throughout this project so that current work practices and skills needs are reflected in updated qualifications, skill sets and units. This will include the digital and technical skills to work with data, new technologies and the latest equipment, and well as the skills required for sustainable forest management. Consideration will also be given to how to best promote clear career pathways. These updates will support Australia’s forest industry to develop and foster critical skills in sustainable forest management that ensure the necessary supply of timber and fibre in Australia, now and into the future.
Project Scope
Qualifications, units of competency and skill sets to be reviewed and redesigned:
  • FWP40116 Certificate IV in Forest Operations
  • FWP50116 Diploma of Forest and Forest Products
  • FWP60116 Advanced Diploma of Forest Industry Sustainability
  • Fifty four units of competency within the qualifications
  • Nine skill sets related to management roles in forest operations
New units and skill sets to be developed (subject to consultation), including six new units of competency regarding digital and spatial technology identified in the New Harvesting Technologies Project. 

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Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Forestry & Timber’ as your industry of interest.
Relevant Occupations
  • Manager Forester (Operations)
  • Forest Technician
  • Forest Operation Supervisor
  • Production Nursery Manager
  • Nursery Supervisor
Project Team
Georgiana DaianProject Manager, ForestWorks[email protected]
Michelle ClaytonIRC and Industry Engagement Manager, ForestWorks[email protected]
Rob StowellIndustry Skills Standard Contractor
Oct 2020 Initial scopingNov 2020 – Apr 2021 Development of draft qualifications, skill sets and unitsMay – Jun 2021 Drafts available for broad consultationJun – Jul 2021 Validation of final draftsJul – Sep 2021 Finalisation of Training Package componentsSep – Oct 2021 Independent Quality Assurance, and Edit and Equity review of Training Package componentsOct – Nov 2021 IRC consideration for sign-off and submission for endorsement
Subject Matter Expert
Subject Matter Experts will be drawn on throughout this project to help review and draft the revised units, skill sets and qualifications.If you are interested in applying to be a subject matter expert and are able to volunteer your time to this project, please email details of your expertise to [email protected].
Opportunities for stakeholder input
Stakeholder input is appreciated throughout the duration of this project. The documents will be drafted in consultation with a Steering Committee, Subject Matter Experts and their networks. Opportunities to provide targeted feedback will occur when the draft materials are made available in May - June 2021, and again for validation of final drafts in July 2021. However, your feedback is welcomed at any time, and will help us in drafting the qualifications, skill set and units. It is important that training provides a skilled and flexible workforce for the future. The qualifications, skill sets and units need to reflect real work experience. So if you work in the sector, Skills Impact would love your input and help. Please feel free to register your interest for project updates and consultation opportunities by following the newsletter subscription link below. Alternatively, please feel free to contact the project manager, Georgiana Daian on 0413 660 987 or [email protected].
Stakeholder Consultation Process
A list of key stakeholder organisations has been identified for this project. Skills Impact will ensure contact is made with each of these organisations during the development of this project to seek their involvement and their views on the draft qualifications, skill sets and units.If you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team to ensure they are contacted by us.Of course, all and any interested industry participants are encouraged to engage in the consultation of this project, when the draft qualifications, skill sets and units are available for feedback via this webpage and workshops that take place around Australia. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list. This list simply helps us to identify those organisations that, because of their industry role, size or specialty, are likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this project. 


Skills in high level roles to supervise, plan and manage production forests are key to growing sustainable forests for timber, wood and fibre products. The ability to optimise forest management practices is in demand in Australia, to improve forest health and wood flow outcomes and to promote safe work practices. However there is a shortage of people qualified and available to perform the work.A lot has changed in the forestry industry since the Diploma of Forest and Forest Products and Certificate IV in Forest Operations were last reviewed, with workers at a senior level requiring updated digital skills. Expertise is needed to develop digital forest maps and harvest instructions files and for the management and analysis of harvesting optimisation data. Skills are also required for the collection of forestry data using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and interpretation and use of image data in forestry planning and management.
Work is underway to identify current skills needs for high-level forestry jobs, such as foresters, forest technicians, forestry contractor managers and crew leaders and update the Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications that support these roles. This will help support career pathways and reflect the current skills required to grow and harvest forests sustainably.A series of consultations were held with the project Steering Committee and ForestFit, an industry-led program managed by Australian Forest Contractors Association (AFCA), in October 2020. This confirmed that forest contracting businesses' managers and crew leaders require a particular set of skills to drive business efficiency and lead people. Redeveloping the Certificate IV in Forest Operations into a specialised  qualification for those who lead teams and operations in forestry contracting businesses will support business efficiency and management practices.Participants also indicated that the Diploma could be improved by introducing more streams to embrace skills development in supply chain management, process improvement, harvest planning and management, community engagement, and data modelling forest management.The Steering Committee was asked about the value of retaining both the Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications, considering the level of enrolments, with members suggesting a customised version of the Diploma would provide for current training needs. This would provide an opportunity to ensure essential forestry skills are not lost to the industry.Industry surveys are currently being run to inform the redevelopment of the Certificate IV and Diploma. This input will be used to draft qualifications that are fit for purpose and support foresters, forestry business owners and crew leaders' skills needs.An additional Steering Committee meeting is planned for March 2021 to consider and provide feedback on the draft high-level forestry qualifications following the input to date. 
Development outcomes and next steps
Broad stakeholder consultation is scheduled to commence in May 2021, when draft qualifications, units, and skill sets will be made available for feedback on this webpage. Your input is welcome. Please feel free to register your interest to keep informed of project updates and when draft materials are available for feedback following the newsletter subscription link below.  

Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Forestry & Timber’ as your industry of interest.


Management, supervision and planning skills are essential to growing sustainable forests for timber, wood and fibre products. Expertise to optimise forest management practices, improve forest health and wood flow outcomes and promote safe work practices is in high demand. However there is a shortage of people qualified and available to perform the work.A lot has changed in the forestry industry since the Diploma of Forest and Forest Products and Certificate IV in Forest Operations were last reviewed, with workers at a senior level requiring updated skills for working with data and new technology. Consultation is taking place throughout this project to update these qualifications and related skills standards, so that they better support career pathways and reflect the current high-level skills required to grow and harvest forests sustainably.
Thank you to those who provided feedback on the qualifications, skill sets and units of competency made available on this page from 18 May to 17 June 2021.During this time, feedback was collected through the online feedback hub, phone, email and online consultation sessions. The drafts, including any comments made on the feedback hub, are still available for viewing below.The draft qualifications and skills standards aim to support the current skills requirements within the forest industry, reflecting the jobs of early-career foresters and managers and crew leaders responsible for forestry businesses operations. The qualifications are designed to provide practically focused and flexibly structured qualifications, enabling participants to select subjects that best suit their needs.Feedback will inform the work on the final drafts which will be available for industry validation later in June. A summary of the feedback and how it was addressed in the final drafts will also be available.
Overview of key changes
  • The Certificate IV in Forest Operations was redeveloped so that it is suitable for those who lead teams and operations in forestry contractor businesses to support business efficiency and management practices. For example, the Certificate IV includes subjects in planning for and supervising a forest operation, managing the forestry contractor business and its people and implementing and monitoring environmental and safety management practices as part of forestry operation.
  • The Diploma of Forestry Operations was renamed and redesigned to provide workplace-trained foresters, early-career university-trained foresters and forestry field officers with the practical knowledge and skills needed to work in Australia’s dynamic commercial forestry industry. It offers specialisations in forest operations management and forest resource management, including studies in digital data collection and analysis, forest inventory, growth modelling, forest valuation, supply chain, forest ecology and biodiversity.
  • Units of competency were developed to meet the skill needs of forestry business managers, crew leaders and early-career foresters and create contemporary qualifications.
  • Several units of competency were proposed for deletion due to having no enrolments over the past three years and feedback from industry experts that the work tasks covered by these units are not applicable or relevant to the occupations reflected in the Certificate IV and Diploma.
  • Nineteen units of competency with similar learning outcomes were consolidated and revised to become eight units, to reflect the current job requirements of the forestry occupations covered by the Certificate IV and Diploma.
  • Units of competency from another Training Package were imported to support skills in managing budgets and financial plans, writing technical reports, leading the initial response to and investigating WHS incidents, interpreting environmental legislation, and conducting biological surveys.
  • The Advanced Diploma of Forest Industry Sustainability and ten skill sets were also proposed for deletion, due to no enrolments in recent years.
More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
The Certificate IV in Forestry Operations was reviewed and redeveloped so that it supports the current and emerging skill needs of managers and crew leaders responsible for forestry business operations.The Certificate IV provides practical skills and knowledge needed to establish operational plans for silviculture, harvesting, log haulage or forest roading operations and supervise teams implementing the plans. It also enables participants to enhance skills in managing human resources and forestry businesses.The Diploma was redesigned to provide workplace-trained foresters, early-career university-trained foresters and forestry field officers with the practical knowledge and skills needed to work in Australia’s dynamic commercial forestry industry.The Diploma offers specialisations in forest operations management and forest resource management, including studies in digital data collection and analysis, forest inventory, growth modelling, forest valuation, supply chain, forest ecology and biodiversity. The flexible course structure enables participants to select subjects that best suit their needs.For example, foresters wishing to pursue specialist roles in forest operations management might focus on studies in forest management planning, forestry supply chains and optimising forest management practices. Whereas those seeking roles in forest resource management may focus on digital data collection and analysis, growth modelling and forest inventory systems.More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
Qualification code and namePrevious qualification for these skillsLink
FWP4XX21 Certificate IV in Forest OperationsFWP40116 Certificate IV in Forest OperationsView draft qualification
FWP5XX21 Diploma of Forest OperationsFWP50116 Diploma of Forest and Forest ProductsView draft qualification
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
The Advanced Diploma of Forest Industry Sustainability is proposed for deletion on the reasons outlined below. Please email feedback to Georgiana Daian [email protected]
Qualification code and titleRationaleLink 
FWP60116Advanced Diploma of Forest Industry Sustainability No enrolments during the last five years:
  • Not listed on the State funded course lists
  • No RTO has it on the scope of registration
  • Some units will be redeveloped and included in the Diploma. Other units were deleted as part of meeting Skills Ministers’ priority of removing training products with low or no enrolments, as agreed by the AISC.
View qualification on training.gov.au
Ten high-level forestry skill sets were reviewed, and they were all proposed for deletion due to no use during the last five years.
Skill set code and titleLink
FWPSS00001 Skill set for forest and wood product innovation for leadersView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00002 Skill set for forest and wood product innovation for managersView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00003 Skill set for supporting forest and wood products innovationView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00004 Skill set for managing change in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00005 Skill set for forest and wood products industry stakeholder engagementView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00006 Skill set for supporting workplace engagement in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00007 Skill set for leading business development in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00008 Skill set for managing business development in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00009 Skill set for supporting business development in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00025 Skill set for carbon accountingView skill set on training.gov.au
Three existing units of competency focussing on safety and environmental management in forestry operations were reviewed and updated. They were improved for clarifying the scope of work and task requirements regarding implementing environmental management practices in forest operations and monitoring workplace safety, health and environment (SHE) policies and procedures.More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
Unit code and nameLink
FWPCOR4XXX Monitor safety, health and environment policies and proceduresView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Implement environmental management practices to a forestry operation siteView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Implement environmental management practices to timber harvesting operationsView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Two units of competency were developed to address gaps between the skills needed within the industry and available skill standards in the current qualifications.These units are designed to support people who work as forestry business managers and crew leaders to develop efficient practices for managing human resources and operational activities specific to a forestry business setting.More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
Unit code and nameLink
FWPFGM4XXX Manage business operations of a forestry contractor businessView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Manage human resource functions of a forestry contractor businessView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Eight existing units of competency covering the management of forest management certification, quality products and services and operations improvement were revised and updated.For example, two sets of five units with similar learning outcomes were merged, resulting in two redesigned units for work tasks related to implementing forest management certification systems and workplace sustainability practices.In addition, the focus of one unit was changed to reflect the skills and knowledge expected of an early-career forester as opposed to an experienced forester. This unit is FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to establishment and implementation of forest management systems, replacing FWPCOT6207 Develop forest management systems and processes.Other changes include minor revisions to minor revisions to improve the work task description and meet the requirements of Standards for Training Packages.More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPCOR4XXX Monitor and improve forestry operationsFWPCOR4202 Monitor and review forestry operationsView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Monitor and manage product quality and supplyFWPCOR4203 Monitor quality and product care proceduresView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to establishment and implementation of forest management systemsFWPCOT6207 Develop forest management systems and processesView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Implement forest management certification schemeFWPCOT6202 Develop and manage a forestry chain of custody certification processFWPCOT5206 Implement forestry chain of custody certification systemView draft unit
FWPCOT5XXX Implement workplace sustainability practicesFWPCOT5207 Implement sustainability in the workplaceFWPCOR6201 Manage sustainability in the workplaceFWPCOT4208 Implement workplace sustainability practicesView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Six units of competency were developed to address the gaps between the skills needed within the industry and available units in the current qualifications.One of these units focuses on logistics skills required in managing log loading and haulage operations. This unit will be included in the revised Certificate IV in Forest Operations.All other units in this section cover skills and knowledge required to contribute to and implement required silviculture regimes, assist in calculating costs and production targets for forestry operations, and use principles of forest science to optimise forest management practices. They will be included in the Diploma in Forest Operations for early career foresters.More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
Unit code and nameLink
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate log loading and haulage operationsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a silviculture regime for a plantationView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a silviculture regime for native forestView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to management and monitoring of forestry supply chainsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Apply principles of forest science to optimise forest management practicesView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Assist with calculating costs and production targets for forestry operationsView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Twenty-two exiting units of competency for forest operations management were reviewed and updated.Some of these units were redeveloped to reflect the skills expected of early-career foresters, particularly to contribute to and implement forest operations plans. Other units were updated for forest business managers and crew leaders to develop skills in planning for and supervising forest operations.Changes also include minor revisions to minor revisions to improve the work task description and meet the requirements of Standards for Training Packages.More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate forest establishment operationsFWPFGM4201 Implement a forest establishment planView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate a stand health and nutrition programFWPFGM4202 Manage stand health FWPFGM5211 Coordinate stand nutritionView draft unit
 FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest establishment planFWPFGM4203 Design plantationsView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate a pests and diseases assessmentFWPFGM4204 Conduct a pests and diseases assessmentView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate a regeneration rate assessmentFWPFGM4205 Monitor regeneration ratesView draft uni
FWPFGM4XXX Conduct a wood volume and yield assessmentFWPFGM4206 Conduct a wood volume and yield assessmentView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate a forest site assessmentFWPFGM4207 Conduct a forest site assessmentView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate quarry operations FWPFGM4208 Plan a quarryView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate road construction and maintenanceFWPFGM5208 Manage road construction and maintenanceView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest roading operational planView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate tending operations in a native forest or plantationFWPFGM5210 Manage tending operations in a native forest FWPFGM5213 Coordinate plantation tending operationsView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate construction of log landing and snig tracksFWPHAR4203 Design log landings and snig tracksView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate fire salvage operationsFWPHAR4204 Plan and coordinate fire salvage operationsView draft unit
 FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate forest harvesting operationsFWPHAR4205 Implement harvesting plansView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest harvesting planFWPHAR5201 Design harvesting plans FWPFGM5216 Manage coupe planningView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest regeneration planFWPFGM5214 Develop a native forest regeneration planView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a biohazard contingency planFWPCOT5205 Develop biohazard contingency plansView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Implement practices to maximise value from wood residuesFWPCOR6202 Implement practices to maximise value from wood residuesView draft unit
Units updated to correct the alignment of the job task with the AQF level
FWPHAR3XXX Apply tree jacking techniques in felling treesFWPHAR4201 Apply tree jacking techniquesView draft unit
FWPHAR3XXX Coordinate log recovery (hook tender)FWPHAR4202 Coordinate log recovery (hook tender)View draft unit
Units updated as part of the Entry Level Forestry Skills Project to correct alignment of the job task with the AQF level
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate forest site preparation operationsFWPFGM2202 Prepare seedbedView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate thinning operations in a native forest or plantationFWPFGM3206 Plan and implement non-commercial thinning operationsView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate stem improvement operationsFWPFGM3207 Coordinate stem improvementView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Eight units of competency were developed to cover skills requirements for undertaking growth and yield modelling in forest management, contributing to forest valuation to optimise forest management practice, applying scientific principles and methods for the management of biodiversity in planning forestry operations, and manipulating and analyse data within digital and geographic information systems.More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
Unit code and nameLink
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to the planning and conduct of forest valuationView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to selection and application of forest growth modelsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Analyse ecology of commercial native forests and plantationsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Process and interpret harvester and forwarder optimisation dataView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Create digital forestry operational mapView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Create cutting instruction files for forestry harvestersView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Plan unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) collection of forestry dataView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Quality assure forestry data acquisition by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)View draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Four existing units of competency describing jobs in forest resource management were reviewed and updated.For example, one unit was redeveloped to reflect the skills required to analyse and use data generated by new technology used in forest planning and management, such as Lidar, aerial photography and geographic information system (GIS) software.The other units were redeveloped to provide skills that contribute to the implementation of forest inventory programs and to develop knowledge of forestry contributions to carbon reduction strategies.More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPFGM5XXX Interpret and use image data in forestry planning and managementFWPFGM4209 Interpret and use aerial photographs for forest managementView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Apply knowledge of forestry contributions to carbon reduction strategiesFWPFGM5219 Undertake carbon stock sampling of forests and plantationsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest inventory programFWPFGM5201 Plan and manage an inventory program FWPFGM6203 Manage sustainable tree inventoryView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Eight existing units of competency were reviewed and consolidated into three units with a focus on community engagement strategies and innovative thinking to support forestry best practice.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a community engagement planFWPCOT5208 Build and maintain community relationships FWPCOT6201 Manage community engagementView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Communicate forestry and forest science with stakeholders and the communityFWPCOT5202 Manage forestry information and interpretations programs FWPFGM5217 Promote plantations as a sustainable form of land useView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Apply innovative thinking to support forestry best practiceFWPCOT6208 Manage innovative thinking and practice in the forest and wood products industry FWPCOT6209 Manage forest and wood products industry research FWPCOT8101 Lead forest and wood products industry innovative thinking and practice FWPCOT8102 Initiate and lead a forest and wood products industry innovationView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
The following unit of competency, not related to the forestry qualifications, was reviewed and updated as part of this project. The application of this unit was broadened based on industry feedback to include other CNC controlled machines available in the frame and truss businesses. This update will support the unit delivery as part of the Certificate III in Timber Frame or Truss Manufacture.More information is available in the Summary of Changes Document.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPCOT3XXX Cut material with CNC sizing machinesFWPCOT3234 Cut material with CNC sizing machinesView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Seven units of competency were proposed for deletion due to no enrolments in these units during the last three years. Industry feedback also suggests that the work tasks covered by these units are not applicable or relevant to the occupations reflected in the new Certificate IV and Diploma, i.e. early career foresters, managers and crew leaders/supervisors working in forestry businesses.
Unit code and nameLink
FWPCOT5203 Manage installation and commissioning of equipmentView unit on training.gov.au
FWPCOT5204 Organise enterprise maintenance programsView unit on training.gov.au
FWPCOT6204 Use carbon accounting to estimate emissionsView unit on training.gov.au
FWPCOT6205 Prepare an enterprise carbon management reportView unit on training.gov.au
FWPFGM5212 Manage genetic resourcesView unit on training.gov.au
FWPFGM5215 Breed TreesView unit on training.gov.au
FWPFGM6201 Plan a biochar storage system for carbon capture and storageView unit on training.gov.au
Summary of Consultation to Date
The draft qualifications, skill sets and units were drafted in consultation with a Steering Committee, Subject Matter Experts and training providers. These people participated in various meetings focusing on the industry skills needs, training and delivery challenges and changes to the training package components during the development stage between November 2020 and May 2021. They also contributed to developing units and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job roles and tasks. Industry surveys were also conducted during February 2021 to inform the redevelopment of the Certificate IV and Diploma. Thank you to those who provided feedback during these activities.

Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Forestry & Timber’ as your industry of interest.


Growing sustainable forests for timber, wood and fibre products requires skills in management, supervision and planning. High-level skills are required to work with data and new technology, to optimise forest management practices, improve forest health and wood flow outcomes, and to promote safe work practices. It is important that the qualifications to support high-level forestry skills are kept up to date, so that industry can access workers with the necessary expertise. The Diploma of Forest and Forest Products and Certificate IV in Forest Operations are currently being reviewed and updated so that they better support career pathways and reflect the high-level skills required to grow and harvest forests sustainably.Thank you to those who provided feedback on the final draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency that were made available for validation and comment from 22 June to 14 July 2021. You can still view the documents and any comments made below.
The final drafts will shortly progress through to the Finalisation stage of the project which includes quality assurance of the documents and review and feedback from the State/Territory Training Authorities. They will then be forwarded to the Forest Management and Harvesting Industry Reference Committee (IRC) for consideration and sign off, before being submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) and Ministers to consider and approve for publication on training.gov.au.
Summary of feedback and key changes
The following changes were made in response to stakeholder feedback that was received as part of the ‘Drafts Available’ stage, from 18 May to 17 June 2021:
  • Two qualifications were reviewed:
    • The revised qualifications aimed to support the current skills requirements within the forest industry, reflecting the jobs of early-career foresters and managers and crew leaders responsible for forestry businesses operations. The qualifications have a practical focus and have a flexible structure to enable participants to select subjects that best suit their needs.
    • The rules about the number of units required from the elective groups to achieve the Diploma of Forest Operations were changed to allow for the selection of sufficient forestry relevant units. The units focusing on Leadership and Personal Effectiveness were moved to a new group and a maximum of two units can be selected from this group. Not more than one unit may be selected from any currently endorsed training package or accredited course.
  • The Advanced Diploma of Forest Industry Sustainability was proposed for deletion as it has no enrolments over the past five years and is not on any state funded course lists.
  • Ten skill sets were proposed for deletion due to no use during the last five years.
  • Forty-six units of competency underwent minor adjustments and updates. These units focus on people practices management, safety and environment and forest operations.
  • Several units were consolidated and merged where relevant, as they had similar learning outcomes.
  • Seven units were proposed for deletion due to no enrolments in these units during the last three years.
  • Sixteen units were developed to address skills gaps related to management systems, forest resource management and forest operations management.
During this time, feedback was collected through the online feedback hub, online consultation sessions, phone and email. A description of how feedback has been considered and applied in these final drafts can be downloaded by clicking on the following button.
Qualification code and namePrevious qualification for these skillsLink
FWP4XX21 Certificate IV in Forest OperationsFWP40116 Certificate IV in Forest OperationsView draft qualification
FWP5XX21 Diploma of Forest OperationsFWP50116 Diploma of Forest and Forest ProductsView draft qualification
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Qualification code and titleRationaleLink 
FWP60116 Advanced Diploma of Forest Industry Sustainability No enrolments during the last five years:
  • Not listed on the State funded course lists
  • Some units will be redeveloped and included in the Diploma. Other units were deleted as part of meeting Skills Ministers’ priority of removing training products with low or no enrolments, as agreed by the AISC.
View qualification on training.gov.au
Skill set code and titleLink
FWPSS00001 Skill set for forest and wood product innovation for leadersView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00002 Skill set for forest and wood product innovation for managersView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00003 Skill set for supporting forest and wood products innovationView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00004 Skill set for managing change in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00005 Skill set for forest and wood products industry stakeholder engagementView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00006 Skill set for supporting workplace engagement in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00007 Skill set for leading business development in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00008 Skill set for managing business development in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00009 Skill set for supporting business development in the forest and wood products industryView skill set on training.gov.au
FWPSS00025 Skill set for carbon accountingView skill set on training.gov.au
Three existing units of competency focusing on safety and environmental management in forestry operations were reviewed and updated. They were improved for clarifying the scope of work and task requirements regarding implementing environmental management practices in forest operations and monitoring workplace safety, health and environment (SHE) policies and procedures.
Unit code and namePrevious code and nameLink
FWPCOR4XXX Monitor safety, health and environment policies and proceduresFWPCOR4201 Monitor safety, health and environment policies and proceduresView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Implement environmental management practices to a forestry operation siteFWPCOT5201 Implement sustainable forestry practicesView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Implement environmental management practices to timber harvesting operationsFWPCOT5209 Manage tree harvesting to minimise environmental impactView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
'Two new units of competency were developed to address gaps between the skills needed within the industry and available skill standards in the current qualifications.These units are designed to support people who work as forestry business managers and crew leaders to develop efficient practices for managing human resources and operational activities specific to a forestry business setting.
Unit code and nameLink
FWPFGM4XXX Manage business operations of a forestry contractor businessView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Manage people practices in a forestry contractor businessView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Eight existing units of competency covering the management of forest management certification, quality products and services and operations improvement were revised and updated.Two sets of five units with similar learning outcomes were merged, resulting in two redesigned units for work tasks related to implementing forest management certification systems and workplace sustainability practices.In addition, the focus of one unit was changed to reflect the skills and knowledge expected of an early-career forester as opposed to an experienced forester. This unit is FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to establishment and implementation of forest management systems, replacing FWPCOT6207 Develop forest management systems and processes.Other changes include minor revisions to minor revisions to improve the work task description and meet the requirements of Standards for Training Packages.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPCOR4XXX Monitor and improve forestry operationsFWPCOR4202 Monitor and review forestry operationsView draft unit
 FWPFGM4XXX Monitor and manage product quality and supplyFWPCOR4203 Monitor quality and product care proceduresView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to establishment and implementation of forest management systemsFWPCOT6207 Develop forest management systems and processesView draft unit
 FWPFGM5XXX Implement forest management certification schemeFWPCOT6202 Develop and manage a forestry chain of custody certification processFWPCOT5206 Implement forestry chain of custody certification systemView draft unit
FWPCOT5XXX Implement workplace sustainability practicesFWPCOT5207 Implement sustainability in the workplaceFWPCOR6201 Manage sustainability in the workplaceFWPCOT4208 Implement workplace sustainability practicesView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Six new units of competency were developed to address the gaps between the skills needed within the industry and available units in the current qualifications.One of these units focuses on logistics skills required in managing log loading and haulage operations. This unit will be included in the revised Certificate IV in Forest Operations.All other new units cover skills and knowledge required to contribute to and implement required silviculture regimes, assist in calculating costs and production targets for forestry operations, and use principles of forest science to optimise forest management practices. They will be included in the new Diploma in Forest Operations for early career foresters.
Unit code and nameLink
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate log loading and haulage operationsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a silviculture regime for a plantationView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a silviculture regime for native forestView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to management and monitoring of forestry supply chainsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Apply principles of forest science to optimise forest management practicesView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Assist with calculating costs and production targets for forestry operationsView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Twenty-two exiting units of competency for forest operations management were reviewed and updated.Some of these units were redeveloped to reflect the skills expected of early-career foresters, particularly to contribute to and implement forest operations plans. Other units were updated for forest business managers and crew leaders to develop skills in planning for and supervising forest operations.Changes also include minor revisions to minor revisions to improve the work task description and meet the requirements of Standards for Training Packages.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate forest establishment operationsFWPFGM4201 Implement a forest establishment planView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate a stand health and nutrition programFWPFGM4202 Manage stand healthFWPFGM5211 Coordinate stand nutritionView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest establishment planFWPFGM4203 Design plantationsView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate a pests and diseases assessmentFWPFGM4204 Conduct a pests and diseases assessmentView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate a regeneration rate assessmentFWPFGM4205 Monitor regeneration ratesView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Conduct a wood volume and yield assessmentFWPFGM4206 Conduct a wood volume and yield assessmentView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate a forest site assessmentFWPFGM4207 Conduct a forest site assessmentView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate quarry operationsFWPFGM4208 Plan a quarryView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate road construction and maintenanceFWPFGM5208 Manage road construction and maintenanceView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest roading operational planView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate tending operations in a native forest or plantationFWPFGM5210 Manage tending operations in a native forestFWPFGM5213 Coordinate plantation tending operationsView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate construction of log landing and snig tracksFWPHAR4203 Design log landings and snig tracksView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate fire salvage operationsFWPHAR4204 Plan and coordinate fire salvage operationsView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate forest harvesting operationsFWPHAR4205 Implement harvesting plansView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest harvesting planFWPHAR5201 Design harvesting plansFWPFGM5216 Manage coupe planningView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest regeneration planFWPFGM5214 Develop a native forest regeneration planView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a biohazard contingency planFWPCOT5205 Develop biohazard contingency plansView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Implement practices to maximise value from wood residuesFWPCOR6202 Implement practices to maximise value from wood residuesView draft unit
FWPHAR3XXX Apply tree jacking techniques in felling treesFWPHAR4201 Apply tree jacking techniquesView draft unit
FWPHAR4XXX Plan for and coordinate log recovery (hook tender)FWPHAR4202 Coordinate log recovery (hook tender)View draft unit
 FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate forest site preparation operationsFWPFGM2202 Prepare seedbedView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate thinning operations in a native forest or plantationFWPFGM3206 Plan and implement non-commercial thinning operationsView draft unit
FWPFGM4XXX Plan for and coordinate stem improvement operationsFWPFGM3207 Coordinate stem improvementView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Eight new units of competency were developed to cover skills requirements for undertaking growth and yield modelling in forest management, contributing to forest valuation to optimise forest management practice, applying scientific principles and methods for the management of biodiversity in planning forestry operations, and manipulating and analyse data within digital and geographic information systems.
Unit code and nameLink
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to the planning and conduct of forest valuationView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to selection and application of forest growth modelsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Analyse ecology of commercial native forests and plantationsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Process and interpret harvester and forwarder optimisation dataView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Create digital forestry operational mapView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Create cutting instruction files for forestry harvestersView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Plan unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) collection of forestry dataView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Quality assure forestry data acquisition by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)View draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Four existing units of competency describing jobs in forest resource management were reviewed and updated.One unit has been redeveloped to reflect the skills required to analyse and use data generated by new technology used in forest planning and management, such as Lidar, aerial photography and geographic information system (GIS) software.The other units were redeveloped to provide skills that contribute to the implementation of forest inventory programs and to develop knowledge of forestry contributions to carbon reduction strategies.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPFGM5XXX Interpret and use image data in forestry planning and managementFWPFGM4209 Interpret and use aerial photographs for forest managementView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Apply knowledge of forestry contributions to carbon reduction strategiesFWPFGM5219 Undertake carbon stock sampling of forests and plantationsView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a forest inventory programFWPFGM5201 Plan and manage an inventory programFWPFGM6203 Manage sustainable tree inventoryView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Eight existing units of competency were reviewed and consolidated into three units with a focus on community engagement strategies and innovative thinking to support forestry best practice.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPFGM5XXX Contribute to and implement a community engagement planFWPCOT5208 Build and maintain community relationships FWPCOT6201 Manage community engagementView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Communicate forestry and forest science with stakeholders and the communityFWPCOT5202 Manage forestry information and interpretations programs FWPFGM5217 Promote plantations as a sustainable form of land useView draft unit
FWPFGM5XXX Apply innovative thinking to support forestry best practiceFWPCOT6208 Manage innovative thinking and practice in the forest and wood products industry FWPCOT6209 Manage forest and wood products industry research FWPCOT8101 Lead forest and wood products industry innovative thinking and practice FWPCOT8102 Initiate and lead a forest and wood products industry innovationView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
The following unit of competency, not related to the forestry qualifications, was reviewed and updated as part of this project. The application of this unit was broadened based on industry feedback to include other CNC controlled machines available in the frame and truss businesses. This update will support the unit delivery as part of the Certificate III in Timber Frame or Truss Manufacture.
Unit code and namePrevious units for these skillsLink
FWPCOT3XXX Cut material with CNC sizing machinesFWPCOT3234 Cut material with CNC sizing machinesView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. 
Seven units of competency were proposed for deletion due to no enrolments in these units during the last three years. Industry feedback also suggested that the work tasks covered by these units are not applicable or relevant to the occupations reflected in the revised Certificate IV and Diploma, i.e. early career foresters, managers and crew leaders/supervisors working in forestry businesses.
Unit code and nameLink
FWPCOT5203 Manage installation and commissioning of equipmentView unit on training.gov.au
FWPCOT5204 Organise enterprise maintenance programsView unit on training.gov.au
FWPCOT6204 Use carbon accounting to estimate emissionsView unit on training.gov.au
FWPCOT6205 Prepare an enterprise carbon management reportView unit on training.gov.au
FWPFGM5212 Manage genetic resourcesView unit on training.gov.au
FWPFGM5215 Breed TreesView unit on training.gov.au
FWPFGM6201 Plan a biochar storage system for carbon capture and storageView unit on training.gov.au

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Skilled management, supervision and planning are integral skills for growing sustainable forests for timber, wood and fibre products. High level expertise is required for maintaining safe work practices, improving forest health and optimising forest management practices. As industry adopts new technologies and work practices, updated skills are also required for working with data and the latest equipment. While there is high demand for workers with the skills to manage, supervise and plan forestry operations, there is a shortage of people qualified and available to perform the work. It is important that the Diploma of Forest and Forest Products and Certificate IV in Forest Operations which support high level forestry skills are kept up to date, so that industry can access the skills it needs to lead it into the future.Thanks to everyone involved in this project, forest operations supervisors, forest contractor business managers and early career foresters have access to updated, industry-developed, practically focused and flexibly structured qualifications.
The qualifications, skill sets and units were published on the training.gov.au website on 28 January 2022, within the FWP Forest and Wood Products Training Package. They are available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs).The Certificate IV in Forest Operations was redeveloped as a specialised qualification for those responsible for managing teams and operations in forestry contractor businesses. The qualification provides specialised skills and knowledge in forest operations management, including establishing operational plans for forestry operations and supervising teams involved in implementing operational plans. It also provides managers with the opportunity to learn about establishing efficient practices for managing human resources and operational activities specific to a forestry contractor business. Individuals working in forestry logistics may also study the skills necessary to manage log loading and haulage operations.The Diploma in forest Operations was revised to provide workplace-trained foresters, early-career university-trained foresters and forestry field officers with the practical knowledge and skills needed to work in Australia’s dynamic commercial forestry industry. The diploma offers specialisations in forest operations management and forest resource management and incorporates the skills standards for digital data collection and analysis, forest inventory, growth modelling, forest valuation, supply chain, forest ecology and biodiversity. The flexible qualification structure enables participants to select subjects which best suit their needs. For example, foresters wishing to pursue specialist roles in forest operations management might focus on forest management planning, forestry supply chains and optimising forest management practices. Whereas those seeking roles in forest resource management, may focus on digital data collection and analysis, growth modelling and forest inventory systems.

Both qualifications are now reflective of industry developments and relevant to our industry as a stepping stone to a fulfilling forestry career.

Linda Cotterill, Forestry Corporation of NSW

Summary of feedback and key changes
A steering committee made up of industry representatives was formed to revise the qualifications, skill sets and units of competency and provide input, advice and feedback throughout the project. The draft documents were made available on this website for broad industry feedback in two stages, the ‘Drafts Available’ stage from 18 May to 17 June 2021 and the ‘Validation’ stage from 22 June to 14 July 2021. During this time, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, online consultation sessions, and via phone call and email. Participants throughout the process included employers and staff members, industry groups, professional associations, union and RTO managers responsible for delivering existing qualifications.The following key changes have been made:
  • Two qualifications, the Diploma of Forest and Forest Products and Certificate IV in Forest Operations, were reviewed to support the current skills requirements of the forest industry and provide a flexible structure for learners. The rules about the number of units required from the elective groups to achieve the Diploma of Forest Operations were changed to allow for the selection of sufficient forestry relevant units. The units focusing on leadership and personal effectiveness were moved to a new group, from which a maximum of two units can be selected. Not more than one unit may be selected from any other currently endorsed training package or accredited course.
  • The Advanced Diploma of Forest Industry Sustainability was deleted, as feedback indicated it was no longer needed by industry. It had no enrolments over the previous five years and was not on any state funded course lists.
  • Ten skill sets were deleted as they were no longer needed by industry.
  • Forty-six units of competency underwent minor adjustments and updates. These units focus on people practices management, safety and environment and forest operations.
  • Seventeen units were consolidated and merged into eight units, as they had similar learning outcomes.
  • Seven units were deleted as they are no longer needed by industry.
  • Sixteen units were developed to address skills gaps related to management systems, forest resource management and forest operations management.
A description of how feedback has been considered and applied after the ‘Drafts Available’ stage can be downloaded below.The final draft qualifications, skill sets, and units of competency were approved for endorsement by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) on the 12 November 2021. They were then considered for endorsement by State and Territory Ministers. Once endorsed by the Ministers, the updated skills standards were published on the national training register (training.com.au).All documents have undergone an edit, equity and independent quality assurance process, to ensure they are of high quality and comply with the Standards for Training Packages 2012, the Training Package Products Policy and the Training Package Development and Endorsement Process Policy. They have also been considered by the State/Territory Training Authorities (STAs/TTAs). A Case for Endorsement was submitted alongside the draft qualifications, skill sets and units, including a rationale of why these changes are needed and evidence of industry support. Download the Case for EndorsementPlease find links below to the final documents published on the national register.Companion Volume Implementation GuideA Companion Volume Implementation Guide was also published to assist industry and registered training providers (RTOs) deliver the qualifications, skill sets and units. It contains key information to help trainers adapt to any new changes, as well as additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training. Download draft Companion Volume Implementation Guide
FWPCOR4204 Monitor safety, health and environmental requirements in forest and wood products operations
FWPCOR4205 Monitor and improve forestry operations
FWPCOT4212 Implement environmental management practices to a forestry operation site
FWPCOT4213 Monitor and manage product and service quality in the forest and wood products industry
FWPCOT4214 Plan for and coordinate quarry operations
FWPCOT4215 Plan for and coordinate road construction and maintenance
FWPCOT4216 Plan for and coordinate construction of log landings and snig tracks
FWPCOT5210 Contribute to establishment and implementation of forest management systems
FWPCOT5211 Implement forest management certification scheme
FWPCOT5212 Implement workplace sustainability practices in the forest and wood products industry
FWPCOT5213 Contribute to and implement a community engagement plan
FWPCOT5214 Communicate forestry and forest science with stakeholders and the community
FWPCOT5215 Apply innovative thinking to support forestry best practice
FWPFOM5001 Contribute to and implement a forest establishment plan
FWPFOM5002 Contribute to and implement a forest roading operational plan
FWPFOM5003 Contribute to and implement a forest harvesting plan
FWPFOM5004 Contribute to and implement a forest regeneration plan
FWPFOM5005 Contribute to and implement a biohazard contingency plan
FWPFOM5006 Implement practices to maximise value from wood residues
FWPFRM5001 Interpret and use image data in forestry planning and management
FWPFRM5002 Source information on the contribution of forestry to carbon reduction strategies
FWPFRM5003 Contribute to and implement a forest inventory program
FWPHAR4206 Implement environmental management practices in timber harvesting operations
FWPHAR4207 Conduct a wood volume and yield assessment
FWPHAR4208 Plan for and coordinate fire salvage operations
FWPHAR4209 Plan for and coordinate forest harvesting operations
FWPHAR4210 Plan for and coordinate log recovery (hook tender)
FWPSIL4001 Plan for and coordinate forest site preparation operations
FWPSIL4002 Plan for and coordinate thinning operations in a native forest or plantation
FWPSIL4003 Plan for and coordinate stem improvement operations
FWPSIL4004 Plan for and coordinate forest establishment operations
FWPSIL4005 Plan for and coordinate a stand heath and nutrition program
FWPSIL4006 Plan for and coordinate a pests and diseases assessment
FWPSIL4007 Plan for and coordinate a regeneration rate assessment
FWPSIL4008 Plan for and coordinate a forest site assessment
FWPSIL4009 Plan for and coordinate tending operations in a native forest or plantation

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