Project Scope
This project will review and update the farriery qualification and units of competency so that all job functions are accurately described, with appropriate current knowledge and skill needs.Scroll down to view the qualification and list of units that will be reviewed in this project.The Master Farriers Association have indicated that the Certificate III in Farriery and related farriery units do not align to current job roles. The Master Farriers Association have suggested a review of the assessment requirements of the units within this qualification to enable sound delivery and implementation.The Certificate III in Farriery and horse contact units were recently updated to consider safety in training and reformatted to become compliant to the 2012 Standards for Training Packages. This work took place as part of the
Equine Safety in Training Project, but it did not involve a full review of the skills standards or a functional analysis of the role of a Farrier as project funding was only for embedding safety. This project will look at these revised documents and update them to ensure they meet industry needs and become fit for purpose.

Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates. Make sure to select ‘Animal Care & Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Relevant occupation
Key deliverables
- Review and improvement of the Certificate III in Farriery
- Review and improvement of 12 units
- Development of at least 5 new units, as identified during review
August 2017
Initial scoping
November, December 2017
Review process commencement
January 2018
Industry consultation of draft materials
February, March 2018
Industry validation of final drafts
March 2018
Finalisation of Training Package components
April 2018
Independent Quality Assurance, and Edit and Equity review of Training Package components
May 2018
IRC consideration for sign-off and submission for endorsement
Project Team
Evan Cooper | Industry Facilitation Manager, Skills Impact [email protected] |
Wayne Jones | Industry Skills Standards Manager, Skills Impact [email protected] |
Sue Hamilton | Skills Development Specialist |
Subject Matter Experts
Subject Matter Experts will be drawn on throughout this project to help review and draft the revised units, skill sets and qualifications.If you are interested in applying to be a subject matter expert and are able to volunteer your time to this project, please email details of your expertise to
[email protected]Opportunities for stakeholder input:
The Certificate III in Farriery and its related units of competency (available below) were recently reviewed as part of the
Equine Safety in Training Project. However, the qualification and units were only made compliant to the Standards for Training Packages 2012. They did not undergo a full content review.To view the qualification or a specific unit, please click on the title*. We would like to know what changes or updates should be made to the qualification or units so that they meet the skills needs of the industry. In particular, we are looking for feedback relating to the following questions.
Questions for the Certificate III in Farriery
- Is there a need for metal work skills (forging, welding etc.) to be a core part of the qualification, or is this now a specialisation and thus should become an elective?
- What are the skills for shoeing a horse with different types of horse shoes (rubber, plastic etc.)?
- Should “barefeet” skills be part of a farrier’s role?
- There are reports that farriers are undertaking equine dental activities, should this be an elective?
Questions for the units:
- Does the title of the unit accurately reflect the skill outcome? If not, what should it be?
- Does the application accurately describe the worker that would undertake the skill? If not, what should it be?
- Are there any relevant legislation, licensing or industry requirements that apply to the unit that are not already stated? If yes, what are they?
- Do the elements and performance criteria accurately describe the process of undertaking the skills? If not, what should they be?
- Is the language used within the unit correct industry language? If not, what should it be?
- How many times would you expect to observe/assess someone undertaking the skill to be confident in their ability?
- Any other comments about the units.
Your feedback will help us in drafting the revised qualification and units.To provide feedback, please email Wayne Jones
[email protected]*Please note that the link will provide a version of the qualification or unit that was reviewed as part of the Equine Safety and Training Project, and not the version that is currently listed on training.gov.au.D
Consultation with Subject Matter Experts around farriery and equine hoof care skills has taken place throughout November. These meetings will inform the development of a revised farriery qualification, skill sets and units of competency so that all job functions are accurately described, with appropriate current knowledge and skill needs. Feedback from industry on the existing qualification and units is also being considered as part of this process.The draft materials will be completed by mid-January and will be available for download and comment from this webpage. Face-to-face consultation workshops are also planned for the following locations and dates, with a webinar planned for those unable to attend in person. Please feel free to register for a workshop near you or a webinar by clicking the corresponding link.
Face-to-Face Consultation Workshops
15 Jan 18, 14:00 – 17:00 –
Adelaide, SA – register here16 Jan 18, 14:00 – 17:00 –
Melbourne (Flemington), VIC – register here17 Jan 18, 14:00 – 17:00 –
Launceston, TAS – register here18 Jan 18, 14:00 – 17:00 –
Hobart, TAS – register here22 Jan 18, 14:00 – 17:00 –
Sydney (Richmond), NSW – register here24 Jan 18, 14:00 – 17:00 –
Seymour, VIC – register here29 Jan 18, 14:00 – 17:00 –
Perth, WA – register here31 Jan 18, 16:00 – 19:00 –
Scone, NSW – register here2 Feb 18, 15:00 – 18:00 –
Gatton, QLD – register here5 Feb 18, 14:00 – 16:00 –
Parap, NT – register hereConsultation Webinar
25 Jan 17, 13:00 – 14:00 AEST –
Webinar – register here Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates. Make sure to select ‘Animal Care & Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Thank you to all those who provided feedback on the draft
Certificate IV in Farriery, related skill set and units of competency. The drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website from 12 January – 7 February 2018. A series of face-to-face consultation workshops and a webinar also took place throughout January and early February.Feedback was sought on whether the draft qualification, skill set and units reflect the current skills and knowledge requirements of industry, and whether job functions are accurately described.Your feedback is extremely important to the team. It will help us to undertake work on the final draft qualification, skill sets and units, which will be available for industry in February/March 2018.The farriery
qualification has been revised from an Australian Qualifications Framework level three to a level four, to reflect the level of work.The following
new units of competency have also been created to reflect the job role:
- ACMFAR3XX Trim and dress equine hooves
- ACMFAR3XX Use hand and power tools for farriery or hoof care activities
- ACMFAR40X Apply knowledge of equine musculoskeletal anatomy, biomechanics and pathology for effective hoof care
One or more
skills sets are being consulted about to cover activities associated with equine foot care. This initiative will provide an option for formal training in this area as well as potentially being a pathway into the farriery qualification.The draft qualification, skill sets and units that were available for industry review and feedback are listed below.

Note: The following work has been carried out on this qualification:1. Proposed change to packaging rules:
Addition of limited elective choice. Competency must be demonstrated in:
- 21 units of competency:
- 19 core units plus (previously 21 core units)
- 2 elective units (previously all core/0 electives).
Revised Australian Qualifications Framework alignment of qualification.
2. The following are proposed changes to the units within the qualification:
- ACMSUS301 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices - Unit has been updated and will be replaced with ACMSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
- AHCAGB301 Keep records for a primary production business - Unit removed. Content covered in new elements in ACMFAR303 Perform routine day-to-day farriery activities
- AHCWHS301 Contribute to work health and safety processes - Replaced by cross industry unit - BSBWHS301 Maintain workplace safety
- MEM05004C Perform routine oxy acetylene welding Industry - Feedback indicates this unit is not appropriate. Unit added to elective list.
- MEM18001C Use hand tools - New unit specific to industry, ACMFAR3XX Use hand and power tools for farriery or hoof care activities, to replace this unit
- MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations - New unit specific to industry, ACMFAR3XX Use hand and power tools for farriery or hoof care activities, to replace this unit
- SIRRINV002 Control stock - Unit removed. Content covered in new elements in ACMFAR303 Perform routine day-to-day farriery activities
One or more skills sets are being consulted about to cover activities associated with equine foot care. This initiative will provide an option for formal training in this area as well as potentially being a pathway into the farriery qualification.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group
Unit Code and Title | Proposed changes | Link to Download |
ACMFAR301 Handle equines safely during farriery services | Minor edits to performance criteria for clarity | Download draft unit |
ACMFAR302 Work effectively in farriery industry | Additional Performance Criteria added to element 2 Communicate effectively - relating to:
- Social media
- Having difficult conversations with clients
| Download draft unit |
ACMFAR304 Respond to emergencies and apply first aid to equines | Unit to address first aid to equines only.
- Element 5 revised to focus on equines (not humans as well)
- Update title to focus on equines
- Updated assessment requirements
| Download draft unit |
ACMFAR305 Perform welding tasks using a forge | Assessment requirements updated to include use of LP gas and solid fuel/coke forge. Consider:
- giving an option to use either type of forge, or
- require the individual to demonstrate skills on both types of forge.
| Download draft unit |
ACMFAR306 Maintain, repair and manufacture hand tools used in farriery | Minor changes to assessment requirements | Download draft unit |
ACMFAR307 Make standard shoes for a range of equines | Minor changes to clarify intent of unit | Download draft unit |
ACMFAR308 Determine foot care and shoeing plans for equines | Minor changes to clarify intent of unit | Download draft unit |
ACMFAR309 Select and fit shoes for normal healthy equines | Minor changes to clarify intent of unit | Download draft unit |
ACMFAR3XX Use hand and power tools for farriery or hoof care activities | New unit - specific to industry - replaces MEM18001C Use hand tools and MEM18002B Use power tools/hand held operations. | Download draft unit |
ACMFAR3XX Trim and dress equine hooves | New unit | Download draft unit |
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group
Unit Code and Title | Proposed changes | Link to Download |
ACMFAR40X Organise and perform day-to-day farriery industry activities (previously ACMFAR303) | Changes to reflect scope of work. New elements added:
- Element 5 Maintain business records - to cover key requirements of AHCAGB301 Keep records for a primary production business
- Element 6 Maintain stock and resources - to cover key requirements of SIRRINV002 Control Stock
| Download draft unit |
ACMFAR40X Fit shoes to alleviate moderate abnormalities and defects in equines (previously ACMFAR310) | Element 3 and performance evidence – changes made:
- Premanufactured shoes to be selected and modified, and/or
- shoes to be fabricated/hand made
Changes to assessment requirements and Australian Qualifications Framework level code changed from a 3 to a 4, to reflect level of work. | Download draft unit |
ACMFAR40X Fit shoes to alleviate severe abnormalities and defects in equines (previously ACMFAR311) | Element 3 and performance evidence – changes made:
- Premanufactured shoes to be selected and modified, and/or
- shoes to be fabricated/hand made
Changes to assessment requirements and Australian Qualifications Framework level code changed from a 3 to a 4, to reflect level of work. | Download draft unit |
ACMFAR40X Use farriery techniques to meet special needs of equines (previously ACMFAR312) | PC2.1 added and additions to assessment requirements to cover diagnostic imaging. Other minor edits for clarity.Changes to assessment requirements and Australian Qualifications Framework level code changed from a 3 to a 4, to reflect level of work. | Download draft unit |
ACMFAR4XX Apply knowledge of equine musculoskeletal anatomy, biomechanics and pathology for effective hoof care | New unit | Download draft unit |
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates. Make sure to select ‘Animal Care & Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
Thank you to those who participated in the validation process for the final draft farriery qualification and units of competency. These final drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website from 1 – 14 March 2018.Thank you to those who also provided feedback and validation on the new equine hoof care qualification, new skill set and 3 new units. These documents were drafted following feedback from industry that there was a need for a clear distinction between the qualification for farriery and a new qualification for equine hoof care. Feedback also indicated the need for a new farriery-specific unit for welding. These drafts were available for consultation between 1 – 14 March 2018 and for validation between 12 - 26 April 2018.Validation means checking and confirming that the documents are logical and factually accurate.
All of the final draft qualifications, skill set and units will shortly progress through to the Finalisation stage of the project, which includes quality assurance of the documents and review and feedback from the State/Territory Training Authorities, before the final drafts will be forwarded to the Animal Care and Management Industry Reference Committee (IRC) for consideration and sign off. They will then be submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) to consider and approve for publication on training.gov.au.
New Qualification, Skill Set & Units
The new equine hoof care qualification, new skill set and 3 new units were available for validation between 12 - 26 April 2018.A summary of the feedback that was received during the consultation period (between 1 March – 14 March 2018) and a description of its consideration and application in these final drafts can be downloaded below.
Qualification, skill set and units -
Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and ActionsChanges to this qualification adopted after reviewing feedback following public consultation:
- Title of qualification changed from Certificate III in Equine Barefoot Care to Certificate III in Equine Hoof Care
- ACMEQU402 Determine nutritional needs in the provision of horse health care and ACMHBR305 Assess suitability of horses for specific uses have been moved to electives from the core
- ACMSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices moved from the core to an elective and replaced by ACMGAS308 Communicate effectively with clients and team members within the core
Changes to this skill set adopted after reviewing feedback following public consultation:
- Title changed from Basic Equine Hoof Care to Temporary Equine Shoe Replacement and description clarification revised with emphasis on temporary shoe replacement for livestock/agricultural workers
Unit Code and Title | Proposed changes | Link to download |
ACMFAR314 Perform routine welding techniques for farriery activities | Changes to this unit adopted after reviewing feedback following public consultation:
- Element 3 and 4 merged to reduce repetition of performance criteria
- New performance criteria (PC) added – 1.4 Identify hazards associated with the work and manage risks
- Added references to steel and aluminium in the unit and the performance evidence
| Download final draft unit |
ACMFAR316 Select and fit hoof boots to meet individual equine needs | Changes to this unit adopted after reviewing feedback following public consultation:
- Increased the minimum number of equines in Performance Evidence from three to four
| Download final draft unit |
ACMFAR317 Remove and replace equine shoes | Changes to this unit adopted after reviewing feedback following public consultation:
- Additional point added to Performance Evidence covering PCs 2.4 and 3.5
- Title changed to Replace equine shoes as a temporary measure from Remove and replace equine shoes
| Download final draft unit |
Farriery Qualification & Units
The final draft qualification and units that were available for industry validation, between 1 March - 14 March 2018, are listed below. A summary of the feedback that was received during the consultation period (between 12 January – 7 February 2018) and a description of its consideration and application in these final drafts can be downloaded below.
Qualification and remaining units -
Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions
- The majority of industry stakeholders agreed with the AQF alignment and revising the qualification to a Certificate IV to reflect the scope of work. Some RTOs had concerns relating to delivery issues and their student cohort.
- There was strong feedback to retain packaging rules specifying ‘core ‘only units ie no electives.
- MEM units relating to hand and power tools and different welding techniques were redeveloped into farriery specific units to reflect industry requirements.
- BSB units were added to address the need to equip learners with small/micro business skills before becoming self-employed.
- Some non-farriery units, from other Training Packages’, were identified as no longer current or suitable for the qualification during the information gathering and consultation stage. These units were removed but the relevant content captured and included in additional elements in selected units.
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group
Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group
Register your interest in the project
Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates. Make sure to select ‘Animal Care & Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form. |
On the 12th September 2018, the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) approved the
Case for Endorsement for the updated and revised qualifications, skill set and units of competency, along with two
Companion Volume Implementation Guides.The final qualifications, skill set and units are now published on training.gov.au, which means they are available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs). They are published within the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package version 2 (published on 11/12/2018).
Click here to view the training package.This project reviewed and updated the Farriery qualification and units of competency to accurately reflect job functions, with appropriate current knowledge and skill needs. It also developed a new qualification for Barefoot Trimmers.
What does this mean for training providers?
Registered training organisations (RTOs) may now apply to have the updated qualifications, skill set and units added to their scope of registration. RTOs who already have the qualifications and units that have been updated as part of this endorsement have 12 months to transition to deliver the updated qualifications, skill sets and units, from the date of publication. For more information, visit the
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) website.
Companion Volume Implementation Guide and a
User Guide: Farriery and Equine Hoof Care have also been produced to help training providers implement the new and revised skill set and units. These can be downloaded from
Summary of consultation
Meetings were held with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) across Australia in Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart and Sydney in October and November 2017 to gather information that informed the draft qualification, skill set and units. Nine public consultation and feedback workshops were held in Woodside (SA), Melbourne, Launceston, Hobart, Richmond and Scone NSW, Perth, Gatton QLD and Darwin. Broad consultation also took place through the Skills Impact website, where the draft documents were made available for download and feedback for a four week period and again, for an additional two weeks, when the drafts were revised for validation.
Summary of project outcomes
- 2 qualifications
- ACM30918 Certificate III in Equine Hoof Care.
- ACM40818 Certificate IV in Farriery.
- 18 units of competency (includes 6 new units).
- 1 new skill set for equine emergency shoe replacement.
Case for Endorsement
Please see the
Case for Endorsement for more information about the work that was undertaken and why:
Download the ACM Case for EndorsementNote that the skill set and units developed out of the Work Safely Around Animals (Infection Control) Project were also approved as part of this Case for Endorsement.Two new performance horse units that were transitioned from a NSW accredited course were also included in the
Case for Endorsement. Skills Impact were tasked in 2016-17 to transfer units from this course into the national endorsed system. The majority of this work was completed as part of the
Equine Safety in Training Project. However, it was found that these two units (
ACMPHR409 Analyse performance horse pedigrees and
ACMPHR501 Manage legal aspects of horse enterprises) required further consultation with industry experts; they were therefore not included in Release 1 of the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package, in August 2017. A review has been undertaken with industry experts and these two units have been published as part of the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package version 2.0.
Please find below links to the skill set and units on training.gov.au