Ag & Horticulture Core Skills Project

Menu: Click across the green arrows to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.


Both the Agriculture and Production Horticulture Industry Reference Committee (IRC) and the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation and Land Management IRC have been overseeing a major review of the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package through a ‘Unit Sector Approach’, which commenced in 2019. The project work to date has focused on updating the sector-specific qualifications and units of competency to meet current skills requirements, especially where technologies are quickly evolving. This year the project will focus on the core skills that are important and applicable across all sectors of the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management industry.There are many important, fundamental skills and knowledge requirements that apply to all sectors of the industry. This project will review all units of competency and qualifications that apply to numerous job functions and roles across the industry. It will also focus on streamlining the skills standards, to remove duplication across the training package, enhancing opportunities for identifying cross-sector units, and better support graduates’ capabilities in moving between occupations and industries.The Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) approved this project, out of the 2021 Annual Update to the IRC Skills Forecast (see pages 63-68).The Agriculture and Production Horticulture IRC and the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation and Land Management IRC will oversee this project as part of their responsibility to support engagement with the industry, and to ensure the project meets industry stakeholder needs.Skills Impact will manage this project, consistent with the 2012 Standards for Training Package Development.Download Project Proposal (see pages 63-68)


The agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management industry employs more than 452,000 people across Australia, contributing over $126 billion to Gross Domestic Product in 2020. The skills of the workforce are varied, and there are technical skills and knowledge that underpin many core work functions. These include many of the fundamental skills required to support work health and safety, environmental practices, quality assurance procedures and workplace recording. It also includes the skills to build and maintain infrastructure and fencing, which are required across many agricultural settings. Other important skills that apply across sectors include those that support community related projects and programs, research initiatives and staff performance.
These common skills feature across all sectors of the industry and they play an essential role in maintaining Australia’s food production. These skills are also critical for maintaining and preserving Australia’s national and state parks, public gardens, sporting grounds, farms and water bodies. Changes in regulations, technology, and new research has meant some of the skills requirements have evolved in recent years, and there is a need to update the national skills standards to reflect current practice.These core skills are outlined across 75 units of competency. They are also incorporated in approximately 90 qualifications, supporting nearly every job role across all levels and sectors of the industry.Industry stakeholders across Australia from all sectors of the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management industry will be consulted to help define the skills and knowledge that underpins these core work functions. Their input and feedback will reshape the current units of competency and qualifications, which have been described by several stakeholders as being too complicated and difficult to deliver by registered training organisations.This project is part of the broader AHC Unit Sector Project to rationalise qualifications, skill sets and units and remove duplication across the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package, as outlined in the Skills Forecast and Proposed schedule of Work 2019 – 2022. The IRCs will consider industry feedback in light of the streamlining and prioritisation framework, to support efforts in reducing complexity of the training system and improve the accessibility of training.This project will also offer the opportunity to review recommendations identified in recent projects, such as the possibility to introduce specialisations or streams for nursery operations, parks and gardens and seeds to existing qualifications.
Project Scope
Over the past five years, industry stakeholders have put a lot of work into updating the sector-specific qualifications within the national training package. This project will focus on the broader qualifications that apply to numerous sectors, and which can be contextualised to apply to numerous job roles. It will also include a review of 75 units that support fundamental skills across the industry.Fifteen qualifications will undergo a full review process. Seventy additional qualifications that include some of the units being revised within their list of ‘core units’ will be updated to reflect changes in the units, but they will not undergo a full review process. 
Relevant Occupations
The skills standards being reviewed as part of this project relate to all occupations of the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management industry.
July-August 2021 Initial scopingSeptember 2021 - January 2022 Development of draft qualifications, skill sets and unitsJanuary-February 2022 Drafts available for broad consultationMay-June 2022 Validation of final draftsJune-July 2022 Finalisation of Training Package componentsAugust-September 2022 Independent Quality Assurance, and Edit and Equity review of Training Package componentsOctober 2022 IRC consideration for sign-off and submission for endorsement
Project Team
Susie FalkIndustry Skills Standards Specialist, Skills Impact[email protected]
Andrew HorganIndustry Engagement Manager, Skills Impact[email protected]
Michelle Ingley-SmithIndustry Engagement Manager, Skills Impact[email protected]
Peter MillerIndustry Skills Standard Contractor
Opportunities for stakeholder input
Stakeholder input is appreciated throughout the duration of this project. The documents will be drafted in consultation with Subject Matter Experts and their networks. Opportunities to provide targeted feedback will occur when the draft materials are made available in January-February 2022, and again for validation of final drafts in May-June 2022. However, your feedback is welcomed at any time, and will help us in drafting the qualifications, skill set and units.It is important that training provides a skilled and flexible workforce for the future. The units need to reflect real work experience. So, if you work in the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management industry, Skills Impact appreciates your input and assistance.Those working in the dairy and milk harvesting sector are invited to engage with this project. Please register your interest in project updates and consultation opportunities by following the newsletter subscription link. Alternatively, contact the project manager, Susie Falk on [email protected] or 03 9321 3526.Note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Webinars will be held to replace the face-to-face consultation workshops Skills Impact would usually host around Australia.
Stakeholder Consultation Process
A list of key stakeholder organisations has been identified for this project based on their industry role, size or specialty. Skills Impact will ensure contact is made with each of these organisations to seek their involvement and views on all draft skill sets and units. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list, they have simply been identified as the most, likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this projectIf you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team to ensure they are contacted by us.


Australia's agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management industry employs more than 452,000 people, and they all play an essential role in maintaining Australia’s food production and caring for our land and water bodies. While the skills of this workforce and varied, there are some skills and knowledge that underpin many essential work functions. These include the core skills required to support work health and safety, environmental practices, quality assurance procedures and workplace recording. Skills to support community related projects and programs, research initiatives and staff performance are also fundamental across agricultural settings, along with the skills to build and maintain infrastructure.Some of the skills requirements across agriculture and horticulture have evolved in recent years, as a result of changes in regulations, technology, and new research. As such, consultation is taking place as part of this project to update the national skills standards to reflect current practice, including the review of 16 qualifications and 75 units of competency.
Given the number and variety of qualifications and units being reviewed, two subject matter expert working groups have been established for this project, one with an agriculture focus and one to focus on horticulture and conservation and land management. These two subject matter expert working groups met in late September for a general overview of the project and to decide a workable process of review and development. The skills and job functions are being identified as part of a workforce functional analysis process. As this is a large project and some of the units are quite specific or exist in several qualifications, preliminary desktop research is taking place followed by a series of focused workshops with subject matter experts.Workshops are currently underway to discuss and review units by sector. The unit sectors being reviewed include:
  • Work health and safety units
  • Quality units
  • Environment and sustainability units
  • Infrastructure units
  • Work units
There will be separate workshops to discuss the qualifications.
Development outcomes and next steps
Draft units and qualifications will be available on this webpage in late November 2021, giving the broader industry an opportunity to provide feedback. Your input is welcome, please feel free to register your interest to keep informed of project updates and when draft materials are available for feedback. 


A workforce of more than 452,000 people are employed across Australia's agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management industry, playing an integral role in caring for our land and water bodies and producing food and fibre. It is important that the skills standards that underpin essential work functions across these industries are kept up to date.Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft qualifications, skill set and units of competency that were made available on this webpage from 9 December until 4 February 2022. Thank you also to those who provided input on the draft Diploma of Community Coordination and Facilitation and units which were made available for review and comment from 31 March to 2 May 2022.
The documents and any comments made are still available to view below. The documents are now being prepared for the 'Validation' stage of the project which will take place in May 2022. During this time you will have another chance to provide input on all qualifications, skill sets and units that are part of this project. Summaries of the feedback received at each stage and how it was addressed in the final drafts will also be available.

Documents Available for Feedback from 31 March to 2 May 2022

The Diploma of Community Group Coordination and Facilitation and some of the units within it were initially proposed for deletion. However, feedback provided to us during initial consultation on the drafts indicated that it caters to a niche and important sector of the Australian agricultural industry and is still required by industry. It describes important skills to foster, promote, and support community development, particularly in rural communities that are engaged in land management activities. Feedback was collected about whether the diploma and low enrolment units should be retained and if so, whether they accurately reflect job roles and functions. Six agricultural work units that sit within the Diploma of Community Coordination and Facilitation did not receive any comments during the initial round of feedback and were also made available for feedback in the context of the updated qualification.
Industry were encouraged to consider the following when reviewing the qualifications:
    • Should this qualification be retained?
    • What are the key job roles that a graduate of this qualification may carry out?
    • Is the qualification descriptor accurate?
    • Are the units of competency placed appropriately in core and elective groups?
    • Do the packaging rules allow for an appropriate selection of units?
Qualification name and codeLink
AHC512XX Diploma of Community Group Coordination and FacilitationView draft qualification
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Industry were encouraged to consider the following when reviewing the units of competency:
    • Should this unit be retained? Is this unit required for job roles undertaken as a result of an individual completing the Diploma of Community Coordination and Facilitation?
    • Is the unit title appropriate?
    • Does the content of the unit accurately cover the skills required for the task?
    • Are the elements and performance criteria in a logical order?
    • Is the terminology used current and correct?
    • Should there be references to new technologies? If so, please provide details.
Unit name and codeLink
AHCBUS4X11 Prepare project acquittalView draft unit
AHCCCF4X3 Obtain and manage sponsorshipView draft unit
AHCCCF4X4 Contribute to association governanceView draft unit
AHCCCF4X6 Facilitate ongoing group developmentView draft unit
AHCCCF4X11 Develop approaches to include cultural and human diversityView draft unit
AHCCCF4X15 Coordinate social events to support group purposeView draft unit
AHCCCF4X16 Present proposed courses of action at a meetingView draft unit
AHCCCF5X2 Facilitate the development of group goals and projectsView draft unit
AHCCCF5X3 Promote group formation and developmentView draft unit
AHCCCF5X4 Support group and community change management processesView draft unit
AHCCCF5X5 Contribute to regional planning processView draft unit
AHCCCF6X1 Coordinate the development of regional plansView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
AHCWRK 4X6 Develop community networksView draft unit
AHCWRK 4X7 Promote community programsView draft unit
AHCWRK 5X4 Assess new industry developmentsView draft unit
AHCWRK 5X7 Implement professional practiceView draft unit
AHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsView draft unit
AHCWRK 5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance programView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here

Documents Made Available for Feedback from 9 December to 4 February 2022

During this time feedback was sought on 13 qualifications, 53 units of competency, and one skill set, as well as the proposed deletion of two qualifications and 21 units of competency that have had low or zero enrolments over the past five years.As part of this stage, there was an opportunity to participate in consultation webinars to discuss the drafts with the project team and other individuals from industry. These webinars focused on core skills required across agriculture, horticulture and conservation land management industry sectors.If you could not attend one of the webinars or would like to revisit the content, a video presentation that provides an overview of the project is available below.
Thirteen qualifications were fully reviewed with significant changes made, including changes to the list of ‘core units’ to incorporate skills standards around workplace health and safety, environmental sustainability and communication. The groups of ‘elective units’ were also revised to be more focussed on outcomes that are specifically reflective of agriculture or horticulture.Feedback was sought on placement of seeds units (coded SPD and SPO) in the Group B electives of the agriculture certificates III and IV and whether they are better suited to Group A.There is the potential for units developed as part of the Permaculture, Organic Production & Composting and Water Allocation & Entitlement Skills projects to be placed in the general agriculture qualifications once these projects have undertaken further consultation.
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.
Qualification code and nameProposed changes or rationaleLink
AHC102XX Certificate I in AgricultureUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesQualification title change from AHC10216 Certificate I in Agri-food OperationsRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised core unitsAdded, updated and removed elective unitsView qualification
AHC201XX Certificate II in AgricultureQualification merged with AHC21210 Certificate II in Rural Operations. Is is proposed that the level II agriculture qualifications are merged into one qualification incorporating the skills standards described in both, to allow students at this level to experience all areas of agriculture.Updated to meet standards for Training PackagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesTotal number of units reduced by two unitsCore units revised and increased by one unitAdded and updated elective unitsView qualification
AHC301XX Certificate III in AgricultureRevised to strengthen the focus on agricultureUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesCore units revisedAdded, removed and updated elective unitsAdded Group C elective units listView qualification
AHC328XX Certificate III in Rural OperationsUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised core units.View qualification
AHC337XX Certificate III in Protected HorticultureAmended packaging rulesUpdated core unitsAdded and updated elective unitsView qualification
AHC401XX Certificate IV in AgricultureUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesEntry requirements added to qualificationRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised and increased core units by 2 unitsAdded and updated elective unitsView qualification
AHC501XX Diploma of AgricultureUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesEntry requirements added to qualificationRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesAdded core units list, and revised and increased core units by 4 unitsAdded, removed and updated elective unitsView qualification
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here.
Qualification code and nameProposed changes or rationaleLink
AHC103XX Certificate I in HorticultureUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised core unitsUpdated elective unitsView qualification
AHC204XX Certificate II in HorticultureUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised and increased core units by three unitsAdded, removed and updated elective unitsView qualification
AHC307XX Certificate III in HorticultureUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesIncreased total number of units by one unitRevised and increased core units by six unitsAdded, removed and updated elective unitsView qualification
AHC404XX Certificate IV in HorticultureUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesEntry requirements added to qualificationRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised and increased core units by three unitsAdded electives group A and B, added, removed and updated elective unitsView qualification
AHC504XX Diploma of Horticulture ManagementQualification title changed and content updated to give it a management focusEntry requirements added to qualificationRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesAdded core units list and revised and increased core units by five unitsAdded electives group A and B, added, removed and updated elective unitsUpdated to meet standards for Training PackagesView qualification
AHC604XX Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land ManagementAmended packaging rulesRemoved and updated elective unitsView qualification
Feedback to date has indicated the need for a specific skill set to cover safety management.
Skill set code and nameLink
AHCSSXXXX1 Agriculture and Horticulture Safety Management Skill SetView draft skill set and provide feedback
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here.
Units of Competency
Significant changes were made to almost all 53 units of competency reviewed, including:
  • changes to wording to make it more consistent, concise and clear
  • strengthening of safety skills
  • changes to include a focus on consultation as well as communication skills
  • changes to pathways and accessibility to support uptake and improve relevance.
For further details about changes made to the units download the Summary of Technical Changes.
Unit code and nameProposed changes or rationaleLink
AHCPCM3X8 Identify and select plantsIndustry experts strongly supported the development of a unit of competency to describe the basics of plant physiology and implications on selection.View draft unit
AHCMOM3X18 Operate a telehandlerA farm specific telehandler unit has been developed to promote safety on farms in light of increasing use of telehandlers. Although a unit for telehandlers exists (RIIHAN309F Conduct telescopic materials handler operations), it is aimed at the mining industry and is not accessible to many farmers. Further research is underway so that the draft unit reflects the regulations and legislation of all States and Territories. Feedback on this is strongly encouraged.View draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here.
Unit code and nameLink
AHCBUS4X10 Report on projectView draft unit
The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices (Merged with AHCWRK202 Observe environmental work practices)View draft unit
AHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesView draft unit
AHCWRK4X5 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practicesView draft unit
AHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainabilityView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here.
Unit code and nameLink
AHCINF2X1 Carry out basic electric fencing operationsView draft unit
AHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingView draft unit
AHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresView draft unit
AHCINF2X4 Fabricate and repair metal or plastic structuresView draft unit
AHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairView draft unit
AHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceView draft unit
AHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingView draft unit
AHCINF3X4 Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systemsView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here.
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresView draft unit
AHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsView draft unit
AHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresView draft unit
AHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance programView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here.
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWHS1X1 Work safelyView draft unit
AHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesView draft unit
AHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace health and safety processesView draft unit
AHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesView draft unit
AHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here.
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK1X1 Maintain the workplaceView draft unit
AHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherView draft unit
AHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in industryView draft unit
AHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsView draft unit
AHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataView draft unit
AHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and servicesView draft unit
AHCWRK3X1 Collect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring programView draft unit
AHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesView draft unit
AHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training supportView draft unit
AHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspectionsView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here.
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policiesView draft unit
AHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceView draft unit
AHCWRK4X6 Develop community networksView draft unit
AHCWRK4X7 Promote community programsView draft unit
AHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataView draft unit
AHCWRK5X4 Assess new industry developmentsView draft unit
AHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceView draft unit
AHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationView draft unit
AHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsView draft unit
AHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsView draft unit
AHCWRK6X2 Lead and manage an organisationView draft unit
AHCWRK6X3 Design and conduct a field-based research trialView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by Clicking here.
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK1X2 Contribute to animal careView draft unit
 AHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsView draft unit
AHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesView draft unit
AHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsView draft unit
AHCWRK3X7 Develop and apply fertiliser and soil ameliorant product knowledgeView draft unit
AHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage areaView draft unit
AHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situationsView draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here.
Qualifications & Units with Low Enrolments
A priority for Skills Ministers in 2021 is to ensure employers’ and learners’ needs can be met through the VET system by reducing the complexity of the training system and improving accessibility of training. One of the key considerations is whether there is a need for formal training of skills through the VET system to achieve competency in the job role.Enrolment numbers are a key piece of evidence to indicate the need for formal VET training. There may be a number of explanations for low enrolment numbers in a unit of competency or qualification, and the AISC are asking industry to confirm whether low enrolment numbers are an indication of lack of industry need, or whether there may be reasons for keeping the relevant skill in the formal training system in spite of low enrolment numbers.The cut-off point for specific review of units has been set at fewer than 42 enrolments over the last three years.Several of the units and qualifications being reviewed as part of this project have been identified as meeting this criteria between 2015 – 2020.The AISC will consider industry viewpoints for maintaining these, backed up by evidence of future enrolments as reasons for them to be retained.To help guide the AISC decision, the Industry Reference Committee needs to provide information around the following factors:
  • Whether units proposed for retention are core to qualifications being retained?
  • Are there linkages with industrial and legislative arrangements?
  • Are enrolments expected to increase in the near future? And if so, why?
  • Is there employment growth in the skills outlined in the unit/qualifications? And if so, why?
  • Is there another specialist requirement to keep the unit/qualification?
  • If these products are updated to a ‘deleted’ status, they will still be accessible on as a reference point for industry to use for non-enrolment purposes. However, registered training organisations will be unable to enrol students in deleted units or qualifications. They will no longer be considered part of the VET delivery system and will not be funded for delivery, whilst they are in “deleted” status.
Feedback was collected on these questions as part of the initial 'Drafts Available' stage of this project. Click on the accordions below to see the qualifications and units that the AISC are considering for deletion and details of the past five years of enrolments for each.
AHCMER301 Process customer complaintsThis unit has been recommended for removal due to duplication of unit outcomes of BSBOPS305 Process customer complaints.View unit on
Other Qualifications Impacted
As the units being reviewed as part of this project describe essential skills used across agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management, as well as other sectors, they are included in many qualifications across these sectors. Any updates made to the units as a result of consultation throughout this project will also be reflected in these other qualifications that contain them, so they incorporate the most recent versions. These qualifications are primarily from the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package, however qualifications from other training packages also incorporate the units. A table of the impacted qualifications, which of the relevant units they contain and whether they are core or listed as electives is included in the accordion below. Please note, some of the qualifications listed below have recently undergone review as part of other projects and will soon be updated on the national register.
Qualification code and nameCore units under reviewElective units under review
AHC10120 Certificate I in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS1X1 Work safelyAHCWRK1X1 Maintain the workplaceAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industry
AHC10416 Certificate I in PermacultureAHCWHS1X1 Work safelyAHCWRK1X1 Maintain the workplace
AHC20320 Certificate II in Production HorticultureAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and servicesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC20616 Certificate II in Parks and GardensAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production data
AHC20720 Certificate II in Nursery OperationsAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC20919 Certificate II in Sports Turf ManagementAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21020 Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF2X1 Carry out basic electric fencing operationsAHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCWRK202 Observe environmental work practices (proposed new title: AHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices)AHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and services
AHC21119 Certificate II in IrrigationAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and services environmentally sustainable workAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21316 Certificate II in ShearingAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21416 Certificate II in Wool HandlingAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK202 Observe environmental work practices (proposed new title: AHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices)AHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industry
AHC21621 Certificate II in Landscaping (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and servicesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21716 Certificate II in PermacultureAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC21819 Certificate II in Protected HorticultureAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production data
Qualification code and nameCore units under reviewElective units under review
AHC30221 Certificate III in Dairy Production (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Dairy & Milk Harvesting Project)AHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X1 Collect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring programAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training support
AHC30318 Certificate III in Rural and Environmental Pest ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK303 Respond to emergenciesAHCINF2X1 Carry out basic electric fencing operationsAHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC30416 Certificate III in Pork ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC30516 Certificate III in Poultry ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training support
AHC30620 Certificate III in Production HorticultureAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage areaAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC30820 Certificate III in ArboricultureAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC30921 Certificate III in Landscape Construction (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC31026 Certificate III in Parks and GardensAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC31120 Certificate III in Nursery OperationsAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC31319 Certificate III in Sports Turf ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC31420 Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training supportAHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspectionsAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC31516 Certificate III in Indigenous Land ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC31818 Certificate III in Bee KeepingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC32116 Certificate III in Commercial Seed ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC32216 Certificate III in Commercial CompostingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC32419 Certificate III in Irrigation TechnologyAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X4 Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systemsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCMER301 Process customer complaints (proposed for deletion)AHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC32516 Certificate III in Aboriginal Sites WorkAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC32720 Certificate III in Rural MerchandisingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X7 Develop and apply fertiliser and soil ameliorant product knowledgeAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage areaAHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspections
AHC32916 Certificate III in ShearingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC33106 Certificate III in Wool Clip PreparationAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirements
AHC33116 Certificate III in Advanced Wool HandlingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirements
AHC33316 Certificate III in Feedlot OperationsAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCINF2X4 Fabricate and repair metal or plastic structuresAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC33416 Certificate III in Seed ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X1 Collect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring programAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC33516 Certificate III in Seed TestingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC33719 Certificate III in Protected HorticultureAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC33816 Certificate III in PermacultureAHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspectionsAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditions
AHC33920 Certificate III in Medicinal Cannabis CultivationAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
Qualification code and nameCore units under reviewElective units under review
AHC40219 Certificate IV in Protected HorticultureAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC40320 Certificate IV in Production HorticultureAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC40516 Certificate IV in Parks and GardensAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC40620 Certificate IV in Nursery OperationsAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC40920 Certificate IV in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCBUS4X10 Report on ProjectAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC41019 Certificate IV in AgribusinessAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC41119 Certificate IV in Irrigation ManagementAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCINF3X4 Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systemsAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X5 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC41316 Cert IV in Wool ClassingAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance procedures
AHC41416 Cert IV in Seed ProductionAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC41516 Cert IV in Seed TestingAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC41616 Cert IV in Organic FarmingAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC41720 Cert IV in Pest ManagementAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC42021 Certificate IV in Landscape Construction Management (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCBUS4X10 Report on ProjectAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policiesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC42116 Cert IV in PermacultureAHCWRK4X6 Develop Community Networks
AHC42320 Cert IV in Medicinal Cannabis CultivationAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC42421 Certificate IV in Landscape Design (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processes
Qualification code and nameCore units impactedElective units impacted
AHC50116 Diploma of Pork ProductionAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage data
AHC50320 Diploma of Production HorticultureAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC50520 Diploma of ArboricultureAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC50621 Diploma of Landscape Design (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK513 Write and present reports
AHC50716 Diploma of Parks and Gardens ManagementAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC50820 Diploma of Nursery ManagementAHCWRK513 Write and present reportsAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance programAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operations
AHC51019 Diploma of Sports Turf ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51120 Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51316 Diploma of Pest ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clients
AHC51419 Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51519 Diploma of ViticultureAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC51619 Diploma of Irrigation DesignAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51816 Diploma of Organic FarmingAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainabilityAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC51920 Diploma of Applied AgronomyAHCWRK513 Write and present reportsAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC52021 Diploma of Landscape Construction Management (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK513 Write and present reports
AHC552116 Diploma of PermacultureAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC60319 Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementAHCWRK601 Monitor projects in a program (proposed for deletion)AHCWRK6X2 Lead and manage community or industry organisationsAHCWRK6X3 Design and conduct a field-based research trial
AHC60415 Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land ManagementAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainabilityAHCWRK601 Monitor projects in a program (proposed for deletion)
AHC60520 Advanced Diploma of ArboricultureAHCWRK6X3 Design and conduct a field-based research trial
Qualification code and nameCore units impactedElective units impacted
ACM20221 Cert II in Horse Care (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
ACM30821 Cert III in Horse Care (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
ACM40921 Certificate IV in Equine Care (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
ACM50421 Diploma of Equine Management (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
ACM50521 Diploma of Equine Allied Health (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developments
FBP20521 Cert II in Wine Industry  OperationsAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
FBP30121 Cert III in Food ProcessingAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training support
FBP30921 Cert III in Wine Industry  OperationsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
RGR20221 Certificate II in Racing IndustryAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structures
RGR30419 Cert III in Racing ServicesAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
SFI40119 Certificate IV in AquacultureAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
SFI40219 Certificate IV in Seafood Post Harvest OperationsAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
SFI50119 Diploma of AquacultureAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage data
FWP20121 Certificate II in Forest Operations (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Entry Level Forestry Skills Project)AHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencing
FWP20216 Cert II in Harvesting and HaulageAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weather
FWP20316 Cert II in Sawmilling and ProcessingAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
FWP30121 Cert III in Forest Operations (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Entry Level Forestry Skills Project)AHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance procedures
FWP30216 Cert III in Harvesting and HaulageAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidents
FWP40420 Certificate IV in Timber Systems DesignAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clients
FWP50121 Diploma of Forest Operations (Awaiting endorsement as part of the High Level Forestry Skills Project)AHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK513 Write and present reports
Consultation to date
The draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency have been developed in consultation with subject matter experts. They have considered feedback that was received out of workforce functional analysis workshops in September 2021. People working directly in agriculture, horticulture and conservation land management participated and provided information on the skills and knowledge required for job functions. Thank you to those who provided feedback during these activities.Two subject matter expert (SME) working groups were established early in the project, one to discuss skills standards relevant to agriculture and one to discuss skills standards relevant to horticulture, conservation and land management. Given the large number of units to be reviewed, several smaller meetings were undertaken with a focus on sectors, in total, 13 workshop were held with SMEs electing to attend the workshop(s) most relevant to their area of expertise. Several SMEs attended either all agriculture focused or all horticulture, conservation and land management focused workshops, in addition to those with a general focus. Workforce functional analysis was incorporated into these workshops. 


Australia's agriculture and horticulture industries are made up of a workforce of more than 452,000 people who play an integral role in producing food and fibre and caring for our land and water bodies. While the expertise across these industries are varied, they are underpinned by core skills in work health and safety, environmental practices, quality assurance procedures and workplace recording. Skills to build and maintain infrastructure, support community related projects and programs, research initiatives and staff performance are also crucial across these settings. Consultation is taking place throughout this project to review and update the national qualifications, skill sets and units of competency that describe these core skills so that they reflect real job functions undertaken by graduates.Thank you to those who provided validation and comment on the final draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency for agriculture and horticulture core skills. They were made available on this website for feedback from 13 May until 5 June 2022.
They were revised to include work functions that reflect current job roles in the industry and incorporate the latest technologies, equipment and advances in agriculture, horticulture and community coordination and facilitation. The Certificate IV in Agriculture, the Certificate IV in Horticulture and the Diploma of Agriculture had their previously proposed entry requirements removed so that they remain accessible to learners with relevant industry experience and technical skills. The qualification descriptions were updated to clarify who the qualifications are intended for. The entry requirements for the Diploma of Horticulture Management were also revised. Updates were made to the Diploma of Community Coordination and Facilitation so that it better reflects the job role and skills required. Some units underwent changes to their sector codes to better reflect the skills they describe. Most units underwent changes to their performance criteria, foundation skills, performance evidence and knowledge evidence in response to stakeholder feedback. The two newly developed units, AHCPCM3X8 Identify and select plants and AHCMOM3X18 Operate a telehandler, underwent significant consultation with stakeholders since they were created, so that they are applicable to all who use them and better reflect job functions and to avoid duplication.For further details of the changes made download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Summary of Consultation and Feedback
Thank you to those stakeholders who provided feedback on the drafts that were made available from 9 December until 4 February, and the additional drafts made available from 31 March to 29 April, under the ‘Drafts Available’ stage. During these times, feedback was collected via the online feedback hub, webinars, phone call and email. The units were drafted with guidance from Subject Matter Experts, made up of people working directly in agriculture, horticulture and community coordination and facilitation, as well as registered training providers.Initially two subject matter expert (SME) working groups were established, one to discuss skills standards relevant to agriculture and one to discuss skills standards relevant to horticulture and conservation and land management. A third SME working group was established to discuss skills standards relevant to community coordination and facilitation after initial feedback identified the importance of this niche sector of the agriculture industry. In total 27 meetings have taken place to discuss qualifications, skill sets and units contained in this project.The following changes have been made as a result of feedback received during the drafts available stage:
  • Entry requirements were removed from the Certificate IV in Agriculture, the Certificate IV in Horticulture and the Diploma of Agriculture so that they remain accessible to learners with relevant prior learning or experience. Qualification descriptions have been revised in these qualifications to specify that learners require industry experience and technical skills and knowledge gained through training or employment specifically in the relevant industry.
  • Entry requirements were revised for the Diploma of Horticulture Management so that it is only accessible to those with the relevant prior learning or experience.
  • The Diploma of Community Coordination and Facilitation was retitled to Diploma of Community Group Coordination and Facilitation to better describe the job role. The packaging rules were also updated to include a core of four units. 
  • CHCMGT004 Secure and manage funding was added to the electives of the Diploma of Community Group Coordination and Facilitation as managing and securing funding is a major function of this job role.
  • Some units had their sector codes changed to better reflect the skills they describe.
  • Changes were made in performance criteria, foundation skills, performance evidence and knowledge evidence of most units in response to stakeholder feedback.
  • Both developed units of competency, AHCPCM3X8 Identify and select plants and AHCMOM3X18 Operate a telehandler, underwent significant review so that they are applicable to all who use them, so that they better reflect job functions and to avoid duplication.
A description of how feedback was considered and applied in these final drafts can be downloaded below. Please click the ‘Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions’ button.
Qualifications and Skill Sets
Qualification code and nameProposed changes or rationaleLink
AHC102XX Certificate I in AgricultureUpdated to meet standards for training packagesQualification title changeRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised core unitsAdded, updated and removed elective unitsView final draft qualification
AHC201XX Certificate II in AgricultureUpdated to meet standards for training packagesQualification merged with AHC21210 Certificate II in Rural OperationsRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesTotal number of units reduced by two unitsCore units revised and increased by one unitAdded and updated elective unitsView final draft qualification
AHC301XX Certificate III in AgricultureUpdated to meet standards for training packagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesCore units revisedAdded, removed and updated elective unitsAdded Group C elective units listView final draft qualification
AHC328XX Certificate III in Rural OperationsUpdated to meet standards for training packagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised core unitsAdded elective units lists and elective unitsView final draft qualification
AHC337XX Certificate III in Protected HorticultureAmended packaging rulesUpdated core unitsAdded and updated elective unitsView final draft qualification
AHC401XX Certificate IV in AgricultureUpdated to meet standards for training packagesQualification description enhanced to highlight the need for industry experienceRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised and increased core units by two unitsAdded and updated elective unitsView final draft qualification
AHC501XX Diploma of AgricultureUpdated to meet standards for training packagesQualification description enhanced to highlight the need for industry experienceRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesAdded core units list, and revised and increased core units by three unitsAdded, removed and updated elective unitsView final draft qualification
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Qualification code and nameProposed changes or rationaleLink
AHC103XX Certificate I in HorticultureUpdated to meet standards for training packagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised and increased core units by one unitUpdated elective unitsView final draft qualification
AHC204XX Certificate II in HorticultureUpdated to meet standards for training packagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised and increased core units by three unitsAdded, removed and updated elective unitsView final draft qualification
AHC307XX Certificate III in HorticultureUpdated to meet standards for training packagesRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesIncreased total number of units by one unitRevised and increased core units by six unitsAdded, removed and updated elective unitsView final draft qualification
AHC404XX Certificate IV in HorticultureUpdated to meet standards for training packagesQualification description enhanced to highlight the need for industry experienceRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesRevised and increased core units by three unitsAdded electives group A and BAdded, removed and updated elective unitsView final draft qualification
AHC504XX Diploma of Horticulture ManagementUpdated to meet standards for training packagesQualification title changeEntry requirements added to qualificationRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesAdded core units list and revised and increased core units by five unitsAdded electives group A and BAdded, removed and updated elective unitsView final draft qualification
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Qualification code and nameProposed changes or rationaleLinks
AHC512XX Diploma of Community Group Coordination and FacilitationUpdated to meet standards for training packagesQualification title changeRevised packaging rules to better reflect outcomesAdded core units list and revised and increased core units by four unitsAdded, removed and updated elective unitsView final draft qualification
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Skill set code and nameProposed changes or rationaleLink
AHCSSXXXX1 Agriculture and Horticulture Safety Management Skill SetNewly created. No changes made since previous draft.View final draft skill set
The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
Units of Competency
Significant changes have been made to these units so they reflect the job functions described. For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and nameLink
AHCPCM3X8 Identify and select plantsView final draft unit
AHCMOM3X18 Operate a telehandlerView final draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and nameProposed changes or rationaleLink
AHCBUS4X10 Report on a projectSee the summary of technical changes documentView final draft unit
AHCBUS4X11 Prepare project acquittalSector updated.View final draft unit
The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and name
AHCCCF4X3 Obtain and manage sponsorshipView final draft unit
AHCCCF4X4 Contribute to association governanceView final draft unit
AHCCCF4X6 Facilitate ongoing group developmentView final draft unit
AHCCCF4X11 Develop approaches to include cultural and human diversityView final draft unit
AHCCCF4X15 Coordinate events to support group purposeView final draft unit
AHCCCF4X16 Present proposed courses of action to meetingView final draft unit
AHCCCF5X2 Facilitate the development of group goals and projectsView final draft unit
AHCCCF5X3 Promote group formation and developmentView final draft unit
AHCCCF5X4 Support group and community change management processesView final draft unit
AHCCCF5X5 Contribute to regional planning processView final draft unit
AHCCCF6X1 Coordinate the development of regional plansView final draft unit
The draft document can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesView final draft unit
AHCWRK4X5 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practicesView final draft unit
AHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainabilityView final draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here
For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and nameLink
AHCINF2X1 Carry out basic electric fencing operationsView final draft unit
AHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingView final draft unit
AHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresView final draft unit
AHCINF2X4 Fabricate and repair metal or plastic structuresView final draft unit
AHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairView final draft unit
AHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceView final draft unit
AHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingView final draft unit
AHCINF3X4 Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systemsView final draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresView  final draft unit
AHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsView final draft unit
AHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresView final draft unit
AHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance programView final draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWHS1X1 Work safelyView final draft unit
AHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesView final draft unit
AHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace health and safety processesView final draft unit
AHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesView final draft unit
AHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesView final draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here
For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK1X1 Maintain the workplaceView final draft unit
AHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherView final draft unit
AHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in industryView final draft unit
AHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsView final draft unit
AHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataView final draft unit
AHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and servicesView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X1 Collect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring programView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training supportView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspectionsView final draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here
For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policiesView final draft unit
AHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceView final draft unit
AHCWRK4X6 Develop community networksView final draft unit
AHCWRK4X7 Promote community programsView final draft unit
AHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataView final draft unit
AHCWRK5X4 Assess new industry developmentsView final draft unit
AHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceView final draft unit
AHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationView final draft unit
AHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsView final draft unit
AHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsView final draft unit
AHCWRK6X2 Lead and manage an organisationView final draft unit
AHCWRK6X3 Design and conduct a field-based research trialView final draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by Clicking here
For further details of the changes made to these units download the Summary of Technical Changes document
Unit code and nameLink
AHCWRK1X2 Contribute to animal careView  final draft unit
AHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X7 Develop and apply fertiliser and soil ameliorant product knowledgeView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage areaView final draft unit
AHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situationsView final draft unit
The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by  clicking here
Qualifications & Units with Low Enrolments
A priority for Skills Ministers in 2021 is to ensure employers’ and learners’ needs can be met through the VET system by reducing the complexity of the training system and improving accessibility of training. One of the key considerations is whether there is a need for formal training of skills through the VET system to achieve competency in the job role.Enrolment numbers are a key piece of evidence to indicate the need for formal VET training. There may be a number of explanations for low enrolment numbers in a unit of competency or qualification, and the AISC are asking industry to confirm whether low enrolment numbers are an indication of lack of industry need, or whether there may be reasons for keeping the relevant skill in the formal training system in spite of low enrolment numbers.The cut-off point for specific review of units has been set at fewer than 42 enrolments over the last three years.Several of the units and qualifications being reviewed as part of this project have been identified as meeting this criteria between 2015 – 2020.The AISC will consider industry viewpoints for maintaining these, backed up by evidence of future enrolments as reasons for them to be retained.To help guide the AISC decision, the Industry Reference Committee needs to provide information around the following factors:
  • Whether units proposed for retention are core to qualifications being retained?
  • Are there linkages with industrial and legislative arrangements?
  • Are enrolments expected to increase in the near future? And if so, why?
  • Is there employment growth in the skills outlined in the unit/qualifications? And if so, why?
  • Is there another specialist requirement to keep the unit/qualification?
  • If these products are updated to a ‘deleted’ status, they will still be accessible on as a reference point for industry to use for non-enrolment purposes. However, registered training organisations will be unable to enrol students in deleted units or qualifications. They will no longer be considered part of the VET delivery system and will not be funded for delivery, whilst they are in “deleted” status.
Feedback was collected on these questions as part of the initial 'Drafts Available' stage of this project and some qualifications and units are now proposed to be retained as a result. Click on the accordions below to see the qualifications and units that the AISC are considering for deletion and details of the past five years of enrolments for each. Feedback was also welcomed at the 'Validation' stage.
Other Qualifications Impacted
As the units being reviewed as part of this project describe essential skills used across agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management, as well as other sectors, they are included in many qualifications across these sectors. Any updates made to the units as a result of consultation throughout this project will also be reflected in these other qualifications that contain them, so they incorporate the most recent versions. These qualifications are primarily from the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package, however qualifications from other training packages also incorporate the units. A table of the impacted qualifications, which of the relevant units they contain and whether they are core or listed as electives is included in the accordion below. Please note, some of the qualifications listed below have recently undergone review as part of other projects and will soon be updated on the national register.
Qualification code and nameCore units under reviewElective units under review
AHC10120 Certificate I in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS1X1 Work safelyAHCWRK1X1 Maintain the workplaceAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industry
AHC10416 Certificate I in PermacultureAHCWHS1X1 Work safelyAHCWRK1X1 Maintain the workplace
AHC20320 Certificate II in Production HorticultureAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and servicesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC20616 Certificate II in Parks and GardensAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production data
AHC20720 Certificate II in Nursery OperationsAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC20919 Certificate II in Sports Turf ManagementAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21020 Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF2X1 Carry out basic electric fencing operationsAHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCWRK202 Observe environmental work practices (proposed new title: AHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices)AHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and services
AHC21119 Certificate II in IrrigationAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and services environmentally sustainable workAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21316 Certificate II in ShearingAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21416 Certificate II in Wool HandlingAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK202 Observe environmental work practices (proposed new title: AHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices)AHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industry
AHC21621 Certificate II in Landscaping (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and servicesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21716 Certificate II in PermacultureAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC21819 Certificate II in Protected HorticultureAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production data
Qualification code and nameCore units under reviewElective units under review
AHC30221 Certificate III in Dairy Production (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Dairy & Milk Harvesting Project)AHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X1 Collect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring programAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training support
AHC30318 Certificate III in Rural and Environmental Pest ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK303 Respond to emergenciesAHCINF2X1 Carry out basic electric fencing operationsAHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC30416 Certificate III in Pork ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC30516 Certificate III in Poultry ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training support
AHC30620 Certificate III in Production HorticultureAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage areaAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC30820 Certificate III in ArboricultureAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC30921 Certificate III in Landscape Construction (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC31026 Certificate III in Parks and GardensAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC31120 Certificate III in Nursery OperationsAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC31319 Certificate III in Sports Turf ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC31420 Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training supportAHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspectionsAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC31516 Certificate III in Indigenous Land ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC31818 Certificate III in Bee KeepingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC32116 Certificate III in Commercial Seed ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC32216 Certificate III in Commercial CompostingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC32419 Certificate III in Irrigation TechnologyAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X4 Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systemsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCMER301 Process customer complaints (proposed for deletion)AHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC32516 Certificate III in Aboriginal Sites WorkAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC32720 Certificate III in Rural MerchandisingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X7 Develop and apply fertiliser and soil ameliorant product knowledgeAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage areaAHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspections
AHC32916 Certificate III in ShearingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC33106 Certificate III in Wool Clip PreparationAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirements
AHC33116 Certificate III in Advanced Wool HandlingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirements
AHC33316 Certificate III in Feedlot OperationsAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCINF2X4 Fabricate and repair metal or plastic structuresAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC33416 Certificate III in Seed ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X1 Collect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring programAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC33516 Certificate III in Seed TestingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC33719 Certificate III in Protected HorticultureAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC33816 Certificate III in PermacultureAHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspectionsAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditions
AHC33920 Certificate III in Medicinal Cannabis CultivationAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
Qualification code and nameCore units under reviewElective units under review
AHC40219 Certificate IV in Protected HorticultureAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC40320 Certificate IV in Production HorticultureAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC40516 Certificate IV in Parks and GardensAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC40620 Certificate IV in Nursery OperationsAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC40920 Certificate IV in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCBUS4X10 Report on a ProjectAHCCCF4X3 Obtain and manage sponsorshipAHCCCF4X4 Contribute to association governanceAHCCCF4X6 Facilitate ongoing group developmentAHCCCF407 Obtain resources from community and groupsAHCCCF409 Participate in assessments of project submissionsAHCCCF410 Support individuals in resource management changes processesAHCCCF4X11 Develop approaches to include cultural and human diversityAHCCCF4X15 Coordinate events to support group purposeAHCCCF4X16 Present proposed courses of action at a meetingAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policiesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X6 Develop community networksAHCWRK4X7 Promote community programs
AHC41019 Certificate IV in AgribusinessAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC41119 Certificate IV in Irrigation ManagementAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCINF3X4 Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systemsAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X5 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC41316 Cert IV in Wool ClassingAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance procedures
AHC41416 Cert IV in Seed ProductionAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC41516 Cert IV in Seed TestingAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC41616 Cert IV in Organic FarmingAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC41720 Cert IV in Pest ManagementAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC42021 Certificate IV in Landscape Construction Management (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCBUS4X10 Report on ProjectAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policiesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC42116 Cert IV in PermacultureAHCWRK4X6 Develop Community Networks
AHC42320 Cert IV in Medicinal Cannabis CultivationAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC42421 Certificate IV in Landscape Design (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processes
Qualification code and nameCore units impactedElective units impacted
AHC50116 Diploma of Pork ProductionAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage data
AHC50320 Diploma of Production HorticultureAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC50520 Diploma of ArboricultureAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC50621 Diploma of Landscape Design (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK513 Write and present reports
AHC50716 Diploma of Parks and Gardens ManagementAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC50820 Diploma of Nursery ManagementAHCWRK513 Write and present reportsAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance programAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operations
AHC51019 Diploma of Sports Turf ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51120 Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51316 Diploma of Pest ManagementAHCCCF5X2 Facilitate the development of group goals and projectsAHCCCF5X5 Contribute to regional planning processAHCCCF6X1 Coordinate the development of regional plansAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X4 Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clients
AHC51419 Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51519 Diploma of ViticultureAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC51619 Diploma of Irrigation DesignAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51816 Diploma of Organic FarmingAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainabilityAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC51920 Diploma of Applied AgronomyAHCWRK513 Write and present reportsAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC52021 Diploma of Landscape Construction Management (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK513 Write and present reports
AHC552116 Diploma of PermacultureAHCCCF501 Evaluate project submissionsAHCCCF506 Manage the incorporation of a groupAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC60319 Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementAHCWRK601 Monitor projects in a program (proposed for deletion)AHCWRK6X2 Lead and manage community or industry organisationsAHCWRK6X3 Design and conduct a field-based research trial
AHC60415 Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land ManagementAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainabilityAHCCCF6X1 Coordinate the development of regional plansAHCWRK601 Monitor projects in a program (proposed for deletion)
AHC60520 Advanced Diploma of ArboricultureAHCWRK6X3 Design and conduct a field-based research trial
Qualification code and nameCore units impactedElective units impacted
ACM20221 Cert II in Horse Care (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
ACM30821 Cert III in Horse Care (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
ACM40921 Certificate IV in Equine Care (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
ACM50421 Diploma of Equine Management (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
ACM50521 Diploma of Equine Allied Health (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developments
FBP20521 Cert II in Wine Industry  OperationsAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
FBP30121 Cert III in Food ProcessingAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training support
FBP30921 Cert III in Wine Industry  OperationsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
RGR20221 Certificate II in Racing IndustryAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structures
RGR30419 Cert III in Racing ServicesAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
SFI40119 Certificate IV in AquacultureAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
SFI40219 Certificate IV in Seafood Post Harvest OperationsAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
SFI50119 Diploma of AquacultureAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage data
FWP20121 Certificate II in Forest Operations (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Entry Level Forestry Skills Project)AHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencing
FWP20216 Cert II in Harvesting and HaulageAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weather
FWP20316 Cert II in Sawmilling and ProcessingAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
FWP30121 Cert III in Forest Operations (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Entry Level Forestry Skills Project)AHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance procedures
FWP30216 Cert III in Harvesting and HaulageAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidents
FWP40420 Certificate IV in Timber Systems DesignAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clients
FWP50121 Diploma of Forest Operations (Awaiting endorsement as part of the High Level Forestry Skills Project)AHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK513 Write and present reports
Diploma of Public Safety (Community Safety)AHCCCF5X5 Contribute to regional planning process


The more than 452,000 people who make up Australia’s agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management workforce play an essential role in maintaining Australia’s food and fibre production and caring for land and water. Expertise across these industries is varied, but there are some core skills that are common across many fields. This includes skills in work health and safety, environmental practices, quality assurance procedures and workplace recording, as well as expertise to build and maintain infrastructure, support community related projects and programs, research initiatives and staff performance.Thanks to the contributions of everyone involved in this project, the national qualifications, skill sets and units of competency that describe these core skills were reviewed and updated so that they reflect real job functions. They were revised to strengthen careers pathways, offering distinct outcomes at each level. Qualifications and units were updated to reflect current technology, systems and regulations, as well as skills in biosecurity, environmental sustainability and quality assurance. They were also revised to include skills to support work health and safety, including skills to communicate work safety procedures respectfully between workers, supervisors and responsible officers.The updated and developed qualifications and skills standards are now published on the national training register (
Three new units were developed to address skills needs in identifying and selecting plants, operating a telehandler, and conducting complex tree hazard and health assessment post-fire. A skill set was also developed for agriculture and horticulture safety management. One qualification and nine units were deleted as they are no longer required by industry.New and updated units from other areas of the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package are included in some of the agriculture and horticulture qualifications as electives to broaden exposure and facilitate uptake of training in particular skills areas. These units were reviewed and developed out of recent projects, including: Permaculture, Organic Production and Composting Projects, Water Allocation and Entitlement Skills Project, Crops, Pastures & Seed Project.These updates will strengthen the training package and bring the qualifications, skill set and units in line with current industry practices and skills needs, supporting future generations of learners in the agriculture and horticulture industries.
Key changes
  • Thirteen qualificationswere revised to better align to job roles and to the appropriate AQF level, so there is a clearly defined natural progression from Certificate I through to Diploma and beyond in each suite of qualifications. This includes the Certificates I, II, III, IV and Diploma of Agriculture; Certificates I, II, III, and IV of Horticulture; the Diploma of Horticulture Management; the Diploma of Community Group Coordination and Facilitation; the Certificate III in Production Horticulture; and the Certificate III in Rural Operations. These qualification were also updated to reflect current job roles, including the skills and knowledge to:
    • utilise new and emerging technology and systems
    • address new and updated regulatory and legislative requirements
    • work safely and communicate work safety procedures respectfully both up and down the chain of command
    • address issues around biosecurity, environmental sustainability and quality assurance.
  • The Certificate III in Rural Operations were updated to enhance the core with the addition of AHCBIO303 Apply biosecurity measures, as a large proportion of individuals who undertake this qualification work across multiple sites. As such the application of biosecurity measures are extremely important to maintain and ensure the ongoing protection of livestock, crops and pastures. A designated elective units list has also been created to provide guidance and maintain the integrity of the qualification’s AQF alignment.
  • The Diploma of Community Group Coordination and Facilitation was initially proposed for deletion, however feedback provided during initial consultation on the drafts indicated that this qualification caters to a niche and important sector of the Australian agricultural industry and is still required. It describes important skills to foster, promote, and support community development, particularly in rural communities that are engaged in land management activities. The qualification has undergone significant review and redevelopment to better align with job roles and industry requirements. Feedback from both industry and registered training providers (RTOs) indicated that the redeveloped qualification will be well received and that there are a number of industry stakeholders considering enrolling staff in this qualification. The retention of this qualification will also enable the delivery of training to support the Commonwealth Governments Landcare Rangers program.
  • The Diploma of Horticulture was reworked to have a management focus and has been renamed the Diploma of Horticulture Management. Entry requirements were added so that individuals have a sufficient knowledge of horticulture prior to commencing this qualification.
  • The Advanced Diploma of Horticulture was deleted due to low enrolments and industry feedback that it was no longer required.
  • A skill set was developed to address safety management and the investigation of work health and safety incidents in the agriculture and horticulture industries.
  • Sixty three units were reviewed, including changes such as:
    • updates to indicative AQF levels to reflect job functions
    • adjustments to reflect regulatory and legislative requirements, particularly in relation to the suites of workplace health and safety units, quality assurance units and environmental sustainability units
    • changes to reflect current Standards for Training Packages (2012)
    • merging of AHCWRK202 Observe environmental work practices and AHCWRK209 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices to avoid duplication.
  • Three units were developed to fill gaps identified in current training programs and to meet the new and emerging needs of the industry and the many sectors it covers:
    • AHCPCM308 Identify and select plants addresses skills and knowledge gaps specifically related to identification of plants, principles of plant growth and selection of plant types based on their function for use in different scenarios.
    • AHCMOM303 Operate a telehandler provides training required for use of a telehandler in an agricultural setting. This is particularly important due to the increasing use of telehandlers in agriculture where the environment and access issues differ from other industry settings.
    • AHCARB613 Conduct complex tree hazard and health assessment post-fire was initially created for the FWP Training Package as part of the 2021/22 project Responding and Assisting in Bushfires. However, following consultation it was deemed the skills and knowledge of this unit were more appropriate to highly skilled arborists working within the forestry industry. With the support of the Forest Management and Harvesting IRC and the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping and Conservation and Land Management IRC, this unit will now be placed in the AHC Training Package.
  • Four units were deleted as they are no longer required by industry. Five more units have been identified for deletion pending future review of the qualifications in which they currently sit.
  • Units developed or reviewed as part of other projects were placed in the qualifications that were revised as part in this project, including:
    • Crops, Pastures & Seed Project:
      • six seed testing (AHCSDT) units included as electives in Certificate II, III, and IV of Agriculture
      • four seed processing (AHCSPO) units included as electives in Certificate III of Agriculture.
    • Permaculture, Organic Production and Composting Projects:
      • Six composting (AHCCOM) units included as electives in Certificate II, III and IV of Agriculture
      • Fourteen organic production (AHCORG) units included as electives in Certificate I, IV and Diploma of Agriculture, and Certificate IV of Horticulture
      • Fifteen permaculture (AHCPER) units included as electives in Certificate I to Diploma of Agriculture, and Certificate II of Horticulture.
    • Water Allocation and Entitlement Skills Project - three newly developed units in water (AHCWAT) are proposed for inclusion as electives in Certificate III in Protected Horticulture, Certificate III, IV and Diploma of Agriculture, and Certificate III, IV and Diploma of Horticulture.
Summary of Consultation
Three Subject Matter Expert Working Groups were established to identify the core skills and knowledge required across agriculture, horticulture, and community coordination and facilitation. The broader industry was consulted on the draft documents at two different stages – the ‘Drafts Available’ and ‘Validation’ stages. Industry from across Australia provided input via the Skills Impact feedback hub, webinars, email, and phone.A description of how feedback has been considered and applied at both stages can be downloaded below.The final draft units of competency, skill sets and qualifications were endorsed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) on 29 November 2023 (read the communique). They were also endorsed by the state and territory skills ministers.  They have undergone an edit and equity and independent quality assurance process, including support from the Agriculture and Production Horticulture IRC and the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation and Land Management IRC. They have also been considered by the State/Territory Training Authorities (STAs/TTAs). The updated units, skill sets and qualifications have been published on the national training register ( Companion Volume Implementation Guide was also produced to assist industry and registered training providers (RTOs) deliver the units, qualifications and skill sets. It contains key information to help trainers adapt to any new changes, as well as additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training.  Download the Case for Endorsement  Download the Companion Volume Implementation guide Part 1 Download the Companion Volume Implementation guide Part 2 
AHCBUS403 Prepare project acquittal
AHCBUS410 Report on a project
AHCCCF417 Obtain and manage sponsorship
AHCCCF418 Contribute to association governance
AHCCCF419 Present proposed courses of action at a meeting
AHCCCF420 Facilitate ongoing group development
AHCCCF421 Develop approaches to include cultural and human diversity
AHCCCF422 Coordinate events to support group purpose
AHCCCF507 Facilitate the development of group goals and projects
AHCCCF508 Promote group formation and development
AHCCCF509 Support group and community change management processes
AHCCCF510 Contribute to regional planning process
AHCCCF602 Coordinate the development of regional plans
AHCINF205 Carry out basic electric fencing operations
AHCINF206 Install, maintain and repair farm fencing
AHCINF207 Maintain properties and structures
AHCINF208 Fabricate and repair metal or plastic structures
AHCINF305 Implement property improvement, construction and repair
AHCINF306 Plan and construct an electric fence
AHCINF307 Plan and construct conventional fencing
AHCINF308 Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systems
AHCMOM303 Operate a telehandler
AHCPCM308 Identify and select plants
AHCSOL302 Develop and apply knowledge of fertiliser and soil ameliorant products
AHCWHS102 Work safely
AHCWHS202 Participate in workplace health and safety processes
AHCWHS302 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes
AHCWHS402 Maintain workplace health and safety processes
AHCWHS503 Manage workplace health and safety processes
AHCWRK102 Maintain the workplace
AHCWRK103 Contribute to animal care
AHCWRK210 Observe and report on weather
AHCWRK211 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHCWRK212 Work effectively in industry
AHCWRK213 Participate in workplace communications
AHCWRK214 Observe workplace quality assurance procedures
AHCWRK215 Collect and record production data
AHCWRK216 Provide information on products and services
AHCWRK313 Collect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring program
AHCWRK314 Monitor weather conditions
AHCWRK315 Respond to emergencies
AHCWRK316 Respond to rescue incidents
AHCWRK317 Coordinate work site activities
AHCWRK318 Comply with industry quality assurance requirements
AHCWRK319 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHCWRK320 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHCWRK321 Provide on-job training support
AHCWRK322 Conduct site inspections
AHCWRK323 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHCWRK404 Implement quality assurance procedures
AHCWRK406 Develop community networks
AHCWRK407 Promote community programs
AHCWRK408 Provide information on issues and policies
AHCWRK409 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHCWRK410 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
AHCWRK506 Collect and manage data
AHCWRK515 Assess new industry developments
AHCWRK516 Implement professional practice
AHCWRK517 Interpret legislation
AHCWRK518 Provide specialist advice to clients
AHCWRK519 Audit site operations
AHCWRK520 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHCWRK521 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHCWRK604 Lead and manage an organisation
AHCWRK605 Design and conduct a field-based research trial
Qualifications & Units with Low Enrolments
A priority for Skills Ministers in 2021 is to ensure employers’ and learners’ needs can be met through the VET system by reducing the complexity of the training system and improving accessibility of training. One of the key considerations is whether there is a need for formal training of skills through the VET system to achieve competency in the job role.Enrolment numbers are a key piece of evidence to indicate the need for formal VET training. There may be a number of explanations for low enrolment numbers in a unit of competency or qualification, and the AISC are asking industry to confirm whether low enrolment numbers are an indication of lack of industry need, or whether there may be reasons for keeping the relevant skill in the formal training system in spite of low enrolment numbers.The cut-off point for specific review of units has been set at fewer than 42 enrolments over the last three years.Several of the units and qualifications being reviewed as part of this project have been identified as meeting this criteria between 2015 – 2020.The AISC will consider industry viewpoints for maintaining these, backed up by evidence of future enrolments as reasons for them to be retained.To help guide the AISC decision, the Industry Reference Committee needs to provide information around the following factors:
  • Whether units proposed for retention are core to qualifications being retained?
  • Are there linkages with industrial and legislative arrangements?
  • Are enrolments expected to increase in the near future? And if so, why?
  • Is there employment growth in the skills outlined in the unit/qualifications? And if so, why?
  • Is there another specialist requirement to keep the unit/qualification?
  • If these products are updated to a ‘deleted’ status, they will still be accessible on as a reference point for industry to use for non-enrolment purposes. However, registered training organisations will be unable to enrol students in deleted units or qualifications. They will no longer be considered part of the VET delivery system and will not be funded for delivery, whilst they are in “deleted” status.
Feedback was collected on these questions as part of the initial 'Drafts Available' stage of this project and some qualifications and units are now proposed to be retained as a result. Click on the accordions below to see the qualifications and units that the AISC are considering for deletion and details of the past five years of enrolments for each. Feedback was also welcomed at the 'Validation' stage.
Other Qualifications Impacted
As the units reviewed as part of this project describe essential skills used across agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management, as well as other sectors, they are included in many qualifications across these sectors. Any updates made to the units as a result of consultation throughout this project will also be reflected in these other qualifications that contain them, so they incorporate the most recent versions. These qualifications are primarily from the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package, however qualifications from other training packages also incorporate the units. A table of the impacted qualifications, which of the relevant units they contain and whether they are core or listed as electives is included in the accordion below. Please note, some of the qualifications listed below have recently undergone review as part of other projects and will soon be updated on the national register.
Qualification code and nameCore units under reviewElective units under review
AHC10120 Certificate I in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS1X1 Work safelyAHCWRK1X1 Maintain the workplaceAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industry
AHC10416 Certificate I in PermacultureAHCWHS1X1 Work safelyAHCWRK1X1 Maintain the workplace
AHC20320 Certificate II in Production HorticultureAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and servicesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC20616 Certificate II in Parks and GardensAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production data
AHC20720 Certificate II in Nursery OperationsAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC20919 Certificate II in Sports Turf ManagementAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21020 Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF2X1 Carry out basic electric fencing operationsAHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCWRK202 Observe environmental work practices (proposed new title: AHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices)AHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and services
AHC21119 Certificate II in IrrigationAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and services environmentally sustainable workAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21316 Certificate II in ShearingAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21416 Certificate II in Wool HandlingAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK202 Observe environmental work practices (proposed new title: AHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices)AHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industry
AHC21621 Certificate II in Landscaping (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK2X6 Observe workplace quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK2X8 Provide information on products and servicesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC21716 Certificate II in PermacultureAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC21819 Certificate II in Protected HorticultureAHCWHS2X1 Participate in workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structuresAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production data
Qualification code and nameCore units under reviewElective units under review
AHC30221 Certificate III in Dairy Production (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Dairy & Milk Harvesting Project)AHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X1 Collect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring programAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training support
AHC30318 Certificate III in Rural and Environmental Pest ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK303 Respond to emergenciesAHCINF2X1 Carry out basic electric fencing operationsAHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC30416 Certificate III in Pork ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC30516 Certificate III in Poultry ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK2X5 Participate in workplace communicationsAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training support
AHC30620 Certificate III in Production HorticultureAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage areaAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC30820 Certificate III in ArboricultureAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC30921 Certificate III in Landscape Construction (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC31026 Certificate III in Parks and GardensAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC31120 Certificate III in Nursery OperationsAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC31319 Certificate III in Sports Turf ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC31420 Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training supportAHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspectionsAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
AHC31516 Certificate III in Indigenous Land ManagementAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC31818 Certificate III in Bee KeepingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC32116 Certificate III in Commercial Seed ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC32216 Certificate III in Commercial CompostingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC32419 Certificate III in Irrigation TechnologyAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X4 Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systemsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCMER301 Process customer complaints (proposed for deletion)AHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC32516 Certificate III in Aboriginal Sites WorkAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidentsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC32720 Certificate III in Rural MerchandisingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X4 Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X7 Develop and apply fertiliser and soil ameliorant product knowledgeAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage areaAHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspections
AHC32916 Certificate III in ShearingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC33106 Certificate III in Wool Clip PreparationAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirements
AHC33116 Certificate III in Advanced Wool HandlingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirements
AHC33316 Certificate III in Feedlot OperationsAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCINF2X4 Fabricate and repair metal or plastic structuresAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC33416 Certificate III in Seed ProductionAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X1 Collect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring programAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activitiesAHCWRK3X6  Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X8 Handle bulk materials in a storage area
AHC33516 Certificate III in Seed TestingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X6 Comply with industry quality assurance requirementsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC33719 Certificate III in Protected HorticultureAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
AHC33816 Certificate III in PermacultureAHCWRK3X11 Conduct site inspectionsAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditions
AHC33920 Certificate III in Medicinal Cannabis CultivationAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK3X3 Respond to emergenciesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
Qualification code and nameCore units under reviewElective units under review
AHC40219 Certificate IV in Protected HorticultureAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC40320 Certificate IV in Production HorticultureAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC40516 Certificate IV in Parks and GardensAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC40620 Certificate IV in Nursery OperationsAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC40920 Certificate IV in Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCBUS4X10 Report on a ProjectAHCCCF4X3 Obtain and manage sponsorshipAHCCCF4X4 Contribute to association governanceAHCCCF4X6 Facilitate ongoing group developmentAHCCCF407 Obtain resources from community and groupsAHCCCF409 Participate in assessments of project submissionsAHCCCF410 Support individuals in resource management changes processesAHCCCF4X11 Develop approaches to include cultural and human diversityAHCCCF4X15 Coordinate events to support group purposeAHCCCF4X16 Present proposed courses of action at a meetingAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policiesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X6 Develop community networksAHCWRK4X7 Promote community programs
AHC41019 Certificate IV in AgribusinessAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC41119 Certificate IV in Irrigation ManagementAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCINF3X4 Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systemsAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X5 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
AHC41316 Cert IV in Wool ClassingAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance procedures
AHC41416 Cert IV in Seed ProductionAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performanceAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policies
AHC41516 Cert IV in Seed TestingAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC41616 Cert IV in Organic FarmingAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC41720 Cert IV in Pest ManagementAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC42021 Certificate IV in Landscape Construction Management (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCBUS4X10 Report on ProjectAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK4X2 Provide information on issues and policiesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC42116 Cert IV in PermacultureAHCWRK4X6 Develop Community Networks
AHC42320 Cert IV in Medicinal Cannabis CultivationAHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
AHC42421 Certificate IV in Landscape Design (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS4X1 Maintain workplace health and safety processes
Qualification code and nameCore units impactedElective units impacted
AHC50116 Diploma of Pork ProductionAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage data
AHC50320 Diploma of Production HorticultureAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance proceduresAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC50520 Diploma of ArboricultureAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC50621 Diploma of Landscape Design (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK513 Write and present reports
AHC50716 Diploma of Parks and Gardens ManagementAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC50820 Diploma of Nursery ManagementAHCWRK513 Write and present reportsAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance programAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operations
AHC51019 Diploma of Sports Turf ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51120 Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51316 Diploma of Pest ManagementAHCCCF5X2 Facilitate the development of group goals and projectsAHCCCF5X5 Contribute to regional planning processAHCCCF6X1 Coordinate the development of regional plansAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X4 Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clients
AHC51419 Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51519 Diploma of ViticultureAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC51619 Diploma of Irrigation DesignAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X7 Implement professional practiceAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC51816 Diploma of Organic FarmingAHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainabilityAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC51920 Diploma of Applied AgronomyAHCWRK513 Write and present reportsAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage dataAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
AHC52021 Diploma of Landscape Construction Management (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Landscaping Project)AHCWHS5X2 Manage workplace health and safety processesAHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK513 Write and present reports
AHC552116 Diploma of PermacultureAHCCCF501 Evaluate project submissionsAHCCCF506 Manage the incorporation of a groupAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability
AHC60319 Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness ManagementAHCWRK601 Monitor projects in a program (proposed for deletion)AHCWRK6X2 Lead and manage community or industry organisationsAHCWRK6X3 Design and conduct a field-based research trial
AHC60415 Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Land ManagementAHCWRK5X11 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainabilityAHCCCF6X1 Coordinate the development of regional plansAHCWRK601 Monitor projects in a program (proposed for deletion)
AHC60520 Advanced Diploma of ArboricultureAHCWRK6X3 Design and conduct a field-based research trial
Qualification code and nameCore units impactedElective units impacted
ACM20221 Cert II in Horse Care (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weatherAHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencingAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
ACM30821 Cert III in Horse Care (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCINF3X1 Implement property improvement, construction and repairAHCINF3X2 Plan and construct an electric fenceAHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWHS3X1 Contribute to workplace heath and safety processesAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
ACM40921 Certificate IV in Equine Care (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
ACM50421 Diploma of Equine Management (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developmentsAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X10 Audit site operationsAHCWRK5X12 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
ACM50521 Diploma of Equine Allied Health (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Horse Care Project)AHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clientsAHCWRK5X4  Assess new industry developments
FBP20521 Cert II in Wine Industry  OperationsAHCWRK2X9 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
FBP30121 Cert III in Food ProcessingAHCWRK3X10 Provide on-job training support
FBP30921 Cert III in Wine Industry  OperationsAHCWRK3X9 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
RGR20221 Certificate II in Racing IndustryAHCINF2X3 Maintain properties and structures
RGR30419 Cert III in Racing ServicesAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK3X5 Coordinate work site activities
SFI40119 Certificate IV in AquacultureAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
SFI40219 Certificate IV in Seafood Post Harvest OperationsAHCWRK4X3 Supervise work routines and staff performance
SFI50119 Diploma of AquacultureAHCWRK5X2 Collect and manage data
FWP20121 Certificate II in Forest Operations (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Entry Level Forestry Skills Project)AHCINF2X2 Install, maintain and repair farm fencing
FWP20216 Cert II in Harvesting and HaulageAHCWRK2X1 Observe and report on weather
FWP20316 Cert II in Sawmilling and ProcessingAHCWRK3X12 Operate in isolated and remote situations
FWP30121 Cert III in Forest Operations (Awaiting endorsement as part of the Entry Level Forestry Skills Project)AHCINF3X3 Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCWRK2X7 Collect and record production dataAHCWRK3X2 Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK4X1 Implement quality assurance procedures
FWP30216 Cert III in Harvesting and HaulageAHCWRK3X4 Respond to rescue incidents
FWP40420 Certificate IV in Timber Systems DesignAHCWRK5X9 Provide specialist advice to clients
FWP50121 Diploma of Forest Operations (Awaiting endorsement as part of the High Level Forestry Skills Project)AHCWRK5X8 Interpret legislationAHCWRK513 Write and present reports
Diploma of Public Safety (Community Safety)AHCCCF5X5 Contribute to regional planning process