Our Role Establishing Skills Insight JSC

Skills Impact held a Skills Service Organisation (SSO) role between 2016 and 2022. In 2023 we established one of ten Job and Skills Councils (JSCs), after a submission to move into the role was backed by over 200 letters of support from a broad range of industry stakeholders. This new JSC, Skills Insight, has a broader scope to deliver outcomes that support a responsive VET system and a skilled and resilient national workforce. The industry coverage of Skills Insight is similar to our past coverage as a Skills Service Organisation.

Visit the Skills Insight website

Skills Impact Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation with a charitable purpose of Advancing Education. Skills Impact acknowledges the previous support of the Commonwealth which assisted in establishing this website.

Skills Impact acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have been living in and caring for Australia for tens of thousands of years, and this is respected in line with Skills Impact values. We recognise the challenges involved for people who are not related to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders to understand the importance of their connection to Country. Skills Impact seeks and relies on guidance from Indigenous people in our work.