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Training Packages Update

Skills Impact is responsible for the training packages listed below and we are managing a process by which these training packages will be released in the new standards format. Listed below are details of the stage each training package is at, as determined by the endorsement processes of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC).

FWP Forest and Wood Products and PPM Pulp and Paper Manufacturing training packages are now available for implementation on training.gov.au. The remainder are undergoing a review process to ensure industry stakeholders are satisfied that the converted units satisfy the requirements of the job role, and that they fully comply with the 2012 Standards for Training Packages.

  • Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management
    The AHC Agriculture Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package Release 1.0 was endorsed by the AISC in March 2016, with the exception of Performance Horse skills standards and qualifications. The skills standards and qualifications that were endorsed will make up Release 1.0, which will be available on training.gov.au by 31 May.
  • Animal Care and Management
    The ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 1.0, submitted to the AISC for endorsement under the previous Industry Skills Council (ISC) based system, has been sent to Skills Impact to undertake remedial work. Areas to be addressed include Veterinary Nursing qualifications and all skills standards and qualifications that are impacted by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) review into equine training.
  • Australian Meat Processing
    The AMP Australian Meat Processing Training Package Release 1.0, containing 10 of the 24 qualifications, was endorsed by the AISC in October 2015 and published to training.gov.au in December last year. Release 2.0 has recently been processed by the AISC and the remaining skills standards and qualifications will be published by 30 June.
  • Food Processing
    The FDF Food Processing Training Package Release 1.0 was submitted to the AISC for endorsement late last year under the previous ISC system. The training package has been sent to Skills Impact to undertake remedial and further consultation and work in the areas of: Food Science and Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Retail Baking, Sugar Milling and Wine Making.
  • Forest and Wood Products
    The FWP Forest and Wood Products Training Package Release 2.0 was endorsed by the AISC in February this year and is now available on training.gov.au.
  • Pulp and Paper Manufacturing
    The PPM Pulp & Paper Manufacturing Industry Training Package Release 1.0 was endorsed in March this year and is now available on training.gov.au.
  • Racing
    The RGR Racing Training Package Release 1.0 was submitted to the AISC for endorsement late last year under the previous ISC system. The training package has been sent to Skills Impact to undertake further consultation with stakeholders in relation to greyhound skills standards and qualifications, and to address all equine skills standards and qualifications that are impacted by the ASQA review into equine training.
  • Seafood
    The SFI Seafood Training Package Release 1.0 was sent to the AISC for endorsement late last year under the previous ISC system. The Training Package has been sent to Skills Impact to undertake remedial work in the area of assessment conditions. It is expected that this training package will be resubmitted to the AISC later in 2016.

Please contact us if you have identified any issues or skills gaps with the current skills standards and qualifications for your industry. All feedback helps to ensure training packages meet industry needs.