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Skills Priorities and Projects for Pulp & Paper Manufacturing Industry

We’re seeking your feedback on the priority skills that have been identified for the pulp and paper industries between 2019 and 2022.They are documented in a draft IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work (Skills Forecast) document. Several projects have been proposed to address these priority skills, as summarised in the grey box below. Feedback is being collected up until 14 May 2019.

The IRC Skills Forecast will be considered by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC). The information will be used to update the AISC National Schedule of training package development projects.


Proposed Schedule of Work 2019 – 2022

Project 1: Industry-driven workshop  

This project proposes that research be undertaken with industry to establish why in-house training is generally preferred to training provided by the VET sector. The PPM Pulp & Paper Manufacturing Industry Training Package is being used to guide in-house training, but employees cannot receive a qualification because it hasn’t been delivered by a registered training organisation. The PPM IRC, supported by the Secretariat, will conduct a workshop in the middle of 2019 with industry stakeholders to investigate low engagement levels with the training package. It will ascertain the extent to which industry utilises its infrastructure and quality assurance skills standards. Further research will be conducted as required and results will be communicated to the Department and AISC, possibly with the submission of one or more Cases for Change.

This process notwithstanding, the PPM IRC advises it considers the following two projects as priorities:

Project 2: Recycling and de-inking recovered paper

This project is to review existing units of competency and develop new units to support the recovered paper and cardboard processing sector. It includes processes for pulp de-inking and bleaching for high and medium grade paper products.

New units will be developed at Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) levels 3 and 4 in pulping operations to address requirements for current recycling and de-inking recovered paper processes.


Project 1: Automated processes in converted paper manufacturing

This project is to review and develop new units of competency for current operating processes and technologies in paper bag, paper stationery and sanitary paper product manufacturing.


No projects will be set as priorities for 2012-22 until the 2019 industry-wide workshop is undertaken and further actions or research is established.


No projects yet identified.