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Skills Priorities and Projects for Aquaculture & Wild Catch

We’re seeking your feedback on the priority skills that have been identified for the aquaculture and wild catch industry between 2019 and 2022.

They are documented in a draft IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work (Skills Forecast) document.

Several projects have been proposed to address these priority skills, as summarised in the grey box below.

Feedback is being collected over a four week period, up until 12 April 2019.

The Skills Forecast will be submitted from the Aquaculture and Wild Catch Industry Reference Committee to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) in April. The information will be used to update the AISC National Schedule of training package development projects.


Proposed Schedule of Work 2019 – 2022

Project 1: Crocodile Farming

Development of new qualifications in crocodile farming to support a sector with growing export earnings and employment opportunities in remote areas.

Project 2: Skills for Future Fishtech & Aquabotics in Real-time, Distant Operations

Ensure that the skills required for real-time distant operations are covered by new or existing units.

Project 3: Indigenous Consultation for Future Projects

Research and consultation to maximise the chances of future projects in negotiation and partnership with Indigenous business and community organisations.


Project 1: Project to be developed based on the findings of the Indigenous consultation work in Project 3 in 2019-20.

Project 2: Project to be scoped to address potential changes and updates in Australian and international Country of Origin Labelling.

Project 3: Project to be scoped to address barriers to accessing training. This follows feedback regarding a lack of RTOs with training on scope and limited training options in Indigenous and remote Australian locations.


Project 1: Update of qualifications and skills standards based on implementation feedback from the introduction and roll-out of the 2017-2019 training package changes.

Project 2: Project to be developed based on the findings of the Indigenous consultation work in Project 3 in 2019-20.


Projects to be identified based on feedback from previously completed projects.