We’re seeking your feedback on the priority skills that have been identified for the Animal Care and Management industry, for 2019 – 2022.
They are documented in a draft IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work (Skills Forecast) document.
Several projects have been proposed to address these priority skills, as summarised in the grey box below.
Feedback is being collected over a four week period, up until 11 April 2019.
The Skills Forecast will be submitted from the Animal Care and Management Industry Reference Committee to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) in April. The information will be used to update the AISC National Schedule of training package development projects.
Proposed Schedule of Work 2019 – 2022
Project 1: Review of Multiple Qualifications, relating to animal attendants and trainers, pet grooming and styling, companion animals and captive animals.
Project 2: Research into Equine-related training, to identify issues relating to scope of training, prerequisites, performance horse training, equestrian training and equine dentistry.
Project 1: Review of Equine-Related Qualification, as required based on the research project undertaken in 2019-2020.
Project 2: Research into Remote Area Animal Care and Management
Project 1: Development of Training Products for Animal Care and Management Workers in Remote Areas, as required based on the research project undertaken in 2020-2021.
Project 2: Review of Allied and Value-Add Animal Health Trades and Qualifications (project to be assessed for need 2020-2021)
Project 1: Quarantine and Biosecurity