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Skills Priorities and Projects for Agriculture & Horticulture Industries

We’re seeking your feedback on the priority skills that have been identified for the agriculture, horticulture, conservation and land management industries between 2019 and 2022.

They are documented in a draft IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work (Skills Forecast) document.

Several projects have been proposed to address these priority skills, as summarised in the grey box below.

Feedback is being collected over a four week period, up until 15 April 2019.

The Skills Forecast will be submitted by the Agriculture and Production Horticulture Industry Reference Committee (IRC) and Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation & Land Management IRC to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) in April. The information will be used to update the AISC National Schedule of training package development projects.


Proposed Schedule of Work 2019 – 2022

Project 1: Review of Unit Sectors

  • Cluster 1: Conservation & Land Management
  • Cluster 2: Nursery Production
  • Cluster 3: Production Horticulture
  • Cluster 4: Biosecurity and Emergency
  • Cluster 5: Merchandising & Sales

Project 2: Green Walls and Rooftop Gardens

Develop qualifications and skills standards to facilitate the green walls and rooftop gardens sector emerging in high-density, urban environments.

Project 3: Agronomy

There is currently no national vocational qualification for Agronomy. This project will look at the skills and knowledge farmers and horticulturalists require to make informed decisions regarding plant production systems.


Project 1: Review of Unit Sectors

  • Cluster 1: Landscaping
  • Cluster 2: Indigenous Land Management
  • Cluster 3: Broad Acre and Seed
  • Cluster 4: Dairy and Milk Harvesting

Project 2: Therapeutic Horticulture

Develop qualifications and skills standards to support the emerging industry of therapeutic horticulture.

Project 3: Pregnancy Testing and Artificial Insemination

Review existing units of competency for artificial insemination and pregnancy testing. Assess the necessity of developing units to cover new methods of pregnancy testing, including ultrasound and blood testing.


Project 1: Review of Unit Sectors

  • Cluster 1: Community and Common
  • Cluster 2: Composting and Organic
  • Cluster 3: Permaculture

Other Projects to be identified to address industry priorities.


Project 1: Review of Unit Sectors

  • Cluster 1: Livestock
  • Cluster 2: Wool

Other Projects to be identified to address industry priorities.