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Videos: Our Program to Support VET Reform

Videos to describe key challenges and solutions for VET system reform are available on the Skills Impact website.

The issues and solutions presented are aligned to the outcomes and goals of the Governments’ reform processes. Insights have been developed from our extensive interaction with industry and the VET sector over the past five years.

We encourage feedback and input on these topics. Please feel welcome to contact us.

Click here to read more details about our program to support VET reform.


Industry Leadership – 5:10 minutes
A truly industry-led system would have industry involved, in a structured way, at all stages of the system, not only the beginning.


Competency is a Journey – 9:13 minutes
It is not a training destination and it is best achieved through a combination of workplace and institutionalised practice.



Thin Markets and RTO Delivery Challenges – 10:16 minutes
The training delivery market fails to operate in high cost and thin markets with serious consequence for a number of industries and occupations.


Skills Acquisition is a National Economic/Social Imperative – 2:27 minutes
It is critical that Australia’s skills system recognises the quality and extent of learning taking place in the workforce, which is estimated to be between 2 and 10 times the volume of VET.