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Racing IRC Members Announced

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) has announced the membership of the Racing Industry Reference Committee (IRC).

The Racing IRC will have responsibility for overseeing the development of units of competency, qualifications and skill sets within the Racing (RGR) training package.

The membership of this IRC can be viewed on the AISC website.


Update on AISC Review Process of Oher Industry Reference Committees

The structure and membership of all Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) are currently being reviewed in a process established by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC).

Finalised IRCs

The following IRCs that Skills Impact support  have been finalised and membership confirmed.

Completed Consultations

Consultation for the structure and calls for membership of the following IRCs has now closed and the next step in this process is for the final make-up of these IRCs to be finalised by the AISC.

  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing IRC (time-limited)
  • Pulp and Paper Manufacturing IRC