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Projects in Final Stages

Greyhounds Project

Endorsed by AISC

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) has approved the Case for Endorsement for the Greyhounds Project (animal welfare and racing integrity), along with a Companion Volume Implementation Guide. The revised units of competency, skill sets and qualifications for Greyhounds will be released on training.gov.au following the endorsement of the Equine Safety in Training Project. The greyhound qualifications rely upon revised units contained within the ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package, which are expected to be published on training.gov.au in December, after the AISC has considered the Equine Safety in Training Project.

Equine Safety in Training & Vet Nursing Projects

Submitted to AISC for Endorsement

The Veterinary Nursing and Equine Safety in Training projects have now been submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) for consideration and endorsement.

The Case for Endorsement for the Equine Safety in Training Project includes all equine related units of competency, skill sets and qualifications from the ACM Animal Care and Management and AHC Agriculture, Horticulture, and Conservation and Land Management Training Packages, but it does not include those from the RGR Racing Training Package. A new Racing Project has been established to satisfactorily incorporate safety into the units, skill sets and qualifications within the RGR Racing Training Package.

Retail Baking Review and Rice Processing Projects 

Undergoing Quality Assurance Process 

The final draft units of competency, skill sets and qualifications in the Retail Baking Review and Rice Processing Projects are currently undergoing an independent quality assurance process. Once this process has been completed, the qualifications, skill sets and units will be forwarded to the State/Territory Training Authorities (STAs/TTAs) to seek their feedback.

Forest Harvesting Optimisation Project

Submitted to State/Territory Training Authorities

The final draft units have been forwarded to the State/Territory Training Authorities for feedback, before the Forest Harvesting Optimisation Project can be submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) as part of a Case for Endorsement.