Our Role Establishing Skills Insight JSC

Skills Impact held a Skills Service Organisation (SSO) role between 2016 and 2022. In 2023 we established one of ten Job and Skills Councils (JSCs), after a submission to move into the role was backed by over 200 letters of support from a broad range of industry stakeholders. This new JSC, Skills Insight, has a broader scope to deliver outcomes that support a responsive VET system and a skilled and resilient national workforce. The industry coverage of Skills Insight is similar to our past coverage as a Skills Service Organisation.

Visit the Skills Insight website

Draft meat processing qualifications and units available for feedback

The meat processing industry relies on core skills in meat safety, quality assurance, and leadership to produce high quality meat products. It is important that the qualifications and skills standards that support this work are kept up to date and relevant, so that industry has access to the expertise it needs. Industry feedback collected on draft qualifications and units made available from 11 November 2021 until 31 January 2022 indicated further significant changes were required for the qualifications and some units. Updated versions … Read More

Sugar Milling Project Completion

While the sugar milling industry regularly undertakes training of their staff in-house, in recent years they have not made use of registered training organisations (RTOs) for delivery or assessment. During extensive consultation with industry about the current qualifications and skills standards for sugar milling, industry experts have indicated that the qualifications, units of competency and skill sets will not be used for the delivery of formal training in the future. The Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical IRC responsible for this project has … Read More

Draft Pharmaceutical GMP Units Submitted for Endorsement

GMP are a set of principles that underpin the production of high quality and consistent pharmaceutical goods. Thanks to the efforts of everyone involved in this project, Australia’s pharmaceutical industry will soon have access to updated units for Good manufacturing practice (GMP).

Have Your Say on Draft Qualifications & Skills Standards for Permaculture, Organic Production & Composting

An increasing number of producers are turning to systems based around principles of permaculture, organic farming and composting, as consumers become more interested in sustainably and locally grown produce. These practices draw on traditional methods, including those used by Indigenous cultures around the world, as well as the latest in science and innovation. Qualifications, skill sets and units have been drafted with input from industry experts to better reflect the current skills need of the permaculture, organic farming and composting sectors. The draft documents … Read More

Pulp and Paper Qualifications and Skills Standards Updated & Published

Many job roles across the pulp and paper sector are changing as industry draws on the latest in science and technology to develop more sustainable processes. The Certificate II, III and IV level qualifications have been merged, so that there is one at each level reflecting core skills in work health and safety, quality assurance and problem solving, as well as offering elective units in other specialist and general areas. Units have also been updated and developed to incorporate emerging technologies … Read More

ITABs: What are they and what do they do?

With Australia’s widespread skills shortages, technology advancements and changing consumer demands, the linkages between industry and Government have never been more critical. Each month we will profile one of the state’s Industry Training Advisory Bodies (ITABs), starting, this month, with Western Australia’s, Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council. What is an ITAB? ITABs are autonomous industry bodies recognised and funded by state governments as one of the key sources of advice from the industry on training matters. Typically, they are incorporated bodies employing their … Read More

Engaging Employers in Nationally Recognised Training to Develop their Workforce

Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19 depends on the ability of employers to fill skills shortages resulting from lower migration and technological change. According to the latest research released by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), closer partnerships between employers and registered training organisations (RTOs) is essential in upskilling Australia’s workforce and addressing skills shortages. The report Engaging more employers in nationally recognised training to develop their workforce examines the current VET environment factors that influence employers’ decisions when … Read More

Commonwealth Industry Engagement Reform, Industry Clusters Update

As part of their commitment to improving Australia’s skills systems and the vocational education and training (VET) sector, the Federal Government has announced a new Industry Cluster model to lead processes for improving VET qualifications and skills standards. Skills Impact has been asked to support industry to develop a skills cluster model for the agribusiness, food and fibre related sectors. If you would like to have input into and be part of this proposal please contact us.

See What our Stakeholders Were Involved with in 2021!

The 2021 Year in Review highlights the essential skills of industries, their remarkable resilience during a pandemic, the contribution they make to Australian society and economy, and how many are world leaders in providing quality products and services.

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Skills Impact Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation with a charitable purpose of Advancing Education. Skills Impact acknowledges the previous support of the Commonwealth which assisted in establishing this website.

Skills Impact acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have been living in and caring for Australia for tens of thousands of years, and this is respected in line with Skills Impact values. We recognise the challenges involved for people who are not related to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders to understand the importance of their connection to Country. Skills Impact seeks and relies on guidance from Indigenous people in our work.