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Fisheries Compliance Project Industry feedback sought

You’re invited to provide feedback on the final draft qualifications and units of competency as part of the Validation stage for the Fisheries Compliance Project. They will be available on our website for validation and feedback until 28 January 2019.

Validation means checking and confirming that the documents are logical and factually accurate. We’re seeking your views on whether the final draft qualifications and units accurately reflect the current industry skills standards, knowledge and practices and whether all job functions are accurately described.

Please note these qualifications and units relate to people in the role of Fisheries Compliance Officers and/or Managers.

You are welcome to provide comment on as many of the draft documents as you would like. Please feel free to share these with others who may be interested in providing validation or comment.

Click here to visit project page


Other Projects of Interest

Thank you to those who provided feedback during the validation stage of the Seafood Post Harvest Project and Aquaculture, Fishing Operations & Biosecurity Project. The final drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website from 27 September – 30 November 2018, after the Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) granted an extension to the initial 10 October deadline. These projects will move into the finalisation stage in 2019.