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Final Draft Skill Standards Available for Validation

The final draft skills standards for the below projects are now available for validation and comment. We are seeking your comments on whether the drafts accurately describe current industry work practices, terminology, and job roles. For more information and to validate the drafts, visit the individual project pages below.

The conservation and land management sector plays a vital role in conserving Australia’s unique natural environments for the enjoyment of all.

While job roles within these sub-sectors can vary based on the different sectors and culturally and geographically diverse environments in which work takes place, common foundational skills are relevant to all sectors.

To view the final draft units, skill sets and qualifications and provide validation visit the project page.

The sectors of exhibited animal care and marine wildlife are vital to protecting the health, welfare and sustainability some of the world’s rarest animals and endangered species.

Zoo keepers, animal carers, and wildlife responders require specialist skills depending on the size and type of the animal being cared for and its environment.

Visit the project page to validate the units, skill sets and qualifications that have been drafted to capture these skills.

Working With Crocodiles in ways that are sustainable, safe and humane requires specialist skills. Many foundational skills for this work are the same across a range of environments such as in the wild, on a farm, in a zoo or in a wildlife park, with some unique skills required depending on context.

To validate and comment on the final draft skills standards for work with crocodiles in a range of environments, visit the project page.

Coming soon: final draft skills standards for Fishtech and Aquabotics

Job roles in aquaculture and wild catch are shifting in response to new technologies, which are making it possible to perform previously manual tasks from a control room.

Final draft skills standards that capture the skills required to work with remote aquatic technologies, such as remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), underwater drones and biosensors, will soon be available for validation and comment.

For more information visit the project page