Sports Turf Management Project

Menu: Click across the green arrows to view active and completed project stages. Consultation takes place at every stage of the project.

Case for change

The need for skills and knowledge for increasingly complex sports turf management processes was identified as a priority skill area in the 2018-2021 Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work (see pages 88 – 90). The Skills Forecast proposed the review of two Sports Turf Management qualifications (Certificate II and Diploma) and the 38 units of competency listed in these qualifications. After consultation with industry and the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation and Land Management Industry Reference Committee (IRC), the project scope has been adjusted to review four sports turf management qualifications (Certificate II, III, IV and Diploma) and 17 turf specific units of competency.

Skills Impact and the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation and Land Management IRC will manage this project, consistent with the 2012 Standards for Training Package Development.

Download the IRC Skills Forecast (see pages 88 – 90)



Project Plan

Project Scope

This project will review and update four existing sports turf management qualifications and 17 related units of competency to reflect current industry practices, and incorporate the latest technologies, equipment and advances in turf agronomy.

The qualifications will be reviewed and updated to include work functions that reflect current job roles in the industry. The units of competency and their related assessment requirements will be updated to reflect the requirements and detail industry has been seeking, to support quality training and assessment in this sector.  The qualifications and units will comply with the Standards for Training Packages 2012 and will be incorporated in the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package.


Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation & Land Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form.


Relevant Occupations
  • Assistant green keeper/ Green keeper
  • Grounds person
  • Sports turf tradesperson
  • Assistant turf manager/curator/grounds manager
  • Assistant golf course superintendent/ Golf course superintendent
  • Bowling greenkeeper/Head bowling greenkeeper
  • Assistant track manager /Track manager


Key deliverables

Review of the four existing Sports Turf Management and 17 related units of competency units of competency in the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package. The project may develop up to five new units and five new skill sets.



August – September 2018
Initial scoping

September – October 2018
Development of draft qualifications, skill sets and units

October – November 2018
Drafts available for broader consultation

February 2019
Validation of final drafts

April 2019
Finalisation of Training Package components

May – June 2019
Independent Quality Assurance, and Edit and Equity review of Training Package components

June 2019
IRC consideration for sign-off and submission for endorsement


Project Team
Tom VassalloIndustry Skills Standards Manager [email protected]
Kate VansonIndustry Engagement Manager, Skills Impact [email protected]
Ron BarrowIndustry Skills Standards Contractor, Nestor Consulting


The Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation and Land Management Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will oversee this project, as part of their responsibilities to support engagement with the sector, and to ensure projects meets industry stakeholder needs.


Stakeholder Consultation Process

A list of key stakeholder organisations is being developed for this project. Skills Impact will ensure contact is made with each of these organisations during the development of this project to seek their involvement and their views on the draft qualifications and units.

If you are aware of an organisation that you think should be involved, please contact the project team to ensure they are contacted by us.

Of course, all and any interested industry participants are encouraged to engage in the consultation of this project, when the draft qualifications and units are available for feedback via this webpage and workshops that take place around Australia. Consultation is not limited to the organisations on this list. This list simply helps us to identify those organisations that, because of their industry role, size or specialty, are likely to have a key interest in the development and outcomes of this project.


Opportunities for stakeholder input

Stakeholder input is appreciated throughout the duration of this project. The documents will be drafted in consultation with Subject Matter Experts and their networks. Opportunities to provide targeted feedback will occur when the draft materials are made available, which is expected in late October 2018, and again for validation of final drafts which is expected in February 2019. However, your feedback is welcomed at any time, and will help us in drafting the qualifications, skill set and units. It is important that training provides a skilled and flexible workforce for the future. The qualifications, skill sets and units need to reflect real work experience. So if you work in the sector, Skills Impact would appreciate your input and help. Please feel free to register your interest for project updates and consultation opportunities by following the newsletter subscription link below. Alternatively, please feel free to contact the project manager, Tom Vassallo on 03 9321 3526 or [email protected].


Subject Matter Experts

Subject Matter Experts will be drawn on throughout this project to help review and draft the revised units, skill sets and qualifications.

If you are interested in applying to be a subject matter expert and are able to volunteer your time to this project, please email details of your expertise to [email protected].


Work commenced in September 2018 to review and redevelop the four existing sports turf management qualifications and 17 related units of competency in the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package. This work has been assisted by input from a Subject Matter Expert Working Group that includes representatives from various sub-sectors of the sports turf management industry across Australia.

Draft qualifications and units will be available for broad consultation in late October.

Consultation Workshops – Registrations Open!

The revised draft qualifications and units will be made available on this webpage for public consideration and feedback from late October to late November 2018 (under the ‘Drafts Available’ menu above). Face-to-face consultation workshops will also take place, across states and territories, with two webinars planned for those unable to attend in person. Registrations for these workshops are now open. Please feel free to register for a workshop near you or a webinar by clicking the corresponding link.

Face-to-Face Consultation Workshops

Tue 30 Oct 18, 8am to 10am – Melbourneregister here

Wed 31 Oct 18 8am to 10am – Perthregister here

Thu 1 Nov 18, 10am to 12 noon – Adelaideregister here

Fri 2 Nov 18, 10am to 12 noon – Canberraregister here

Mon 5 Nov 18, 11am to 1pm Hobart – Hobart register here (new time)

Wed 7 Nov 18, 8am to 10am – Sydneyregister here

Thu 8 Nov 18, 10am to 12 noon – Brisbaneregister here

Consultation Webinars

Thu 15 Nov 18, 10 to 11am – Webinarregister here

Thu 15 Nov 18, 1 to 2pm – Webinarregister here


Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation & Land Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form.



Drafts Available

Thank you to all those who provided feedback on the three revised qualifications, four new skill sets and 18 revised units of competency. The drafts were made available on this webpage for broad stakeholder review from 25 October – 25 November 2018.

Feedback was sought on whether the draft qualifications, skill sets and units reflect the current skills standards and practices of industry, and whether job functions are accurately described. Feedback will inform the work on the final drafts which will be available for industry validation in February 2019.

They have been revised to include work functions that reflect current job roles in the industry and incorporate the latest technologies, equipment and advances in turf agronomy.

Summary of consultation to date

Feedback on the draft documents was collected via the online feedback hub, face-to-face consultation workshops and webinars. To view the draft documents, including comments that were made on them from people using the feedback hub, please click on the expandable document menus below.

The draft qualifications, skill sets and units have been drafted in consultation with a Subject Matter Expert Working Group that includes representatives from various sub-sectors of the sports turf management industry, across Australia. After completing a Workforce Functional Analysis, the working group provided detailed information on the skills and knowledge required to perform the job roles and functions.

This existing unit – AHCTRF303 Implement a grassed area maintenance program – was available for review and feedback between 21 December 2018 – 23 January 2019. Views were sought on whether the unit describes the work functions accurately. In particular, whether the unit should require the coordination, follow up and monitoring of a work team which are included in performance criteria 1.5, 1.6, 3.1 and 4.1.


AHC20916 Certificate II in Sports Turf ManagementView draft qualification
AHC31316 Certificate III in Sports Turf ManagementView draft qualification
AHC51016 Diploma of Sports Turf ManagementView draft qualification


The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.

The Certificate IV in Sports Turf Management is proposed for deletion. Feedback from subject matter experts suggests the qualification no longer meets industry needs. The two sports turf management units (AHCTRF401 Develop a sports turf maintenance program and AHCTRF402 Plan and implement sports turf renovation) in this qualification have been reviewed and are now part of a new skill set titled – Advance technical skills set for sports turf managers. They have also been added as electives in the redesigned Diploma of Sports Turf Management.

AHC40816 Certificate IV in Sports Turf ManagementView qualification


Skill sets

AHCSSXXX Advanced technical skills set for sports turf managersView draft skill set
AHCSSXXX Basic business management skills set for sports turf managersView draft skill set
AHCSSXXX Basic technical support skills set for sports turf volunteersView draft skill set
AHCSSXXX Design irrigation and drainage skills set for sports turfView draft skill set


The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.

Units of competency

AHCTRF101 Support turf workView draft unit


The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.

AHCTRF201 Assist with turf constructionView draft unit
AHCTRF202 Prepare turf surfaces for playView draft unit
AHCTRF203 Renovate grassed areasView draft unit
AHCTRF204 Support turf establishmentView draft unit


The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.

AHCTRF301 Construct turf playing surfacesView draft unit
AHCTRF302 Establish turfView draft unit
AHCSOL303 Implement soil improvements for garden and turf areasView draft unit
AHCTRF303 Implement a grassed area maintenance program*Download draft unit
AHCTRF304 Monitor turf healthView draft unit
AHCTRF305 Renovate sports turfView draft unit
AHCTRF3XX Implement sports surface preparation for playView draft unit


The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.

This existing unit – AHCTRF303 Implement a grassed area maintenance program – was available for review and feedback between 21 December 2018 – 23 January 2019. Views were sought on whether the unit describes the work functions accurately. In particular, whether the unit should require the coordination, follow up and monitoring of a work team which are included in performance criteria 1.5, 1.6, 3.1 and 4.1.


AHCTRF401 Develop a sports turf maintenance programView draft unit
AHCTRF402 Plan and implement sports turf renovationView draft unit


The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.

AHCTRF5XX Design sand based profile for sports turf surfacesView draft unit
AHCTRF502 Manage sports turf renovation programsView draft unit
AHCTRF503 Develop sports turf management programsView draft unit
AHCTRF504 Manage sports turf facility assetsView draft unit


The draft documents can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.


Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation & Land Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form.



Thank you to those who participated in the validation process for the final draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency. The final drafts were made available on the Skills Impact website from 4 – 21 February 2019. They have been revised to include work functions that reflect current job roles in the industry and incorporate the latest technologies, equipment and advances in turf agronomy.

The final drafts will shortly progress through to the Finalisation stage of the project which includes quality assurance of the documents and review and feedback from the State/Territory Training Authorities. They will then be forwarded to the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation & Land Management Industry Reference Committee for consideration and sign off, before being submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) to consider and approve for publication on

Validation means checking and confirming that the documents are logical and factually accurate. 

Summary of consultation

Prior to the Validation period, the draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency were made available on the Skills Impact website under the ‘Drafts Available’ stage from 25 October – 25 November 2018. The drafts included three revised qualifications, four new skill sets, 16 revised units and one new unit. Feedback was also sought on the proposed deletion of the existing AHC40816 Certificate IV in Sports Turf Management.

From 21 December 2018 – 23 January 2019, the revised unit AHCTRF303 Implement a grassed area maintenance program was available for review and feedback.

The feedback received has been considered with assistance from a Subject Matter Expert Working Group that includes representatives from various sub-sectors of the sports turf management industry across Australia. A major change arising from the feedback has been the restructure of the Diploma of Sports Turf Management, including the decision to abort the proposed new unit AHCTRF5XX Design sand based profile for sports turf surfaces and transfer some key outcomes from the unit and include them in a redesign of the existing AHCTRF501 Plan the establishment of sports turf playing surfaces.

A description of how this feedback has been considered and applied in these final drafts can be downloaded below. Please click the ‘Download Summary of Feedback, Responses and Actions’ button.


Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.

AHC2XXXX Certificate II in Sports Turf ManagementMinor change to Qualification descriptor

Minor change to mix of Core and Elective units. AHCTRF201 Assist with turf construction removed from core and placed in Electives, AHCIRG217 Assist with pressurised irrigation operations added to Core.

Reduction of listed elective units

Minor change to mapping table

Download final draft qualification
AHC3XXXX Certificate III in Sports Turf ManagementMinor changes to the Packaging Rules:

  • 18 core units (increased by 1)
  • 5 elective units. (decreased by 1)

Changes also made to the qualification descriptor and legislative requirements

Rationalisation of elective units to better reflect industry requirements

Corrections to changed codes and titles

Updated mapping table

Download final draft qualification
AHC5XXXX Diploma of Sports Turf ManagementMajor changes have also been made to the listed Core and Elective units – refer to the Summary of Feedback, Responses and Action report (pages 6 –10) available on this webpage for more information.Download final draft qualification


AHC40816 Certificate IV in Sports Turf ManagementThe Certificate IV in Sports Turf Management is proposed for deletion. Industry feedback suggests the qualification does not reflect current job roles.

The two sports turf management units (AHCTRF401 Develop a sports turf maintenance program and AHCTRF402 Plan and implement sports turf renovation) in the qualification proposed for deletion are currently listed in other AHC qualifications. These units are not listed in any or the revised Sports Turf Management qualifications and skill sets, but have been revised and will continue to be available for use in other AHC qualifications.

View qualification


Skill sets

Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.

AHCSSXXX Business skills set for sports turf managementTitle change

Minor changes in Description, Target Group, and suggested words for Statement of Attainment

Added AHCWHS401 Maintain work health and safety processes

Download final draft skill set
AHCSSXXX Skills set for sports turf volunteersTitle changeDownload final draft skill set
AHCSSXXX Technical skills set for sports turf managementTitle change

Minor change to Description, wording for Target Group, and suggested words for Statement of Attainment

Substituted AHCIRG408 Schedule irrigations with AHCIRG501 Audit irrigation

Substituted AHCTRF401 Develop a sports turf maintenance program and AHCTRF402 Plan and implement sports turf renovation with AHCTRF502 Manage sports turf renovation programs systems

Download final draft skill set


Units of competency

AHCTRF101 Support turf workChanges to the Foundation Skills

Minor changes to wording in Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence

Download final draft unit


Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.

AHCTRF201 Assist with turf constructionChanges to the Foundation Skills

Minor changes to wording in Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence

Minor changes to the Assessment Conditions

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF2XX Assist in the preparation of turf surfaces for playTitle change

Changes to Performance Criteria, Foundation Skills and wording in Performance Evidence

Minor change to wording in Knowledge Evidence

Minor changes to the Assessment Conditions

Updated mapping table

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF203 Renovate grassed areasMinor changes to Application, Performance Criteria 1.1, Foundation Skills, Performance Evidence, and Assessment ConditionsDownload final draft unit
AHCTRF204 Support turf establishmentMinor changes to wording in Performance Criteria 3.3, 4.2, 4.5

Minor changes to Assessment Conditions

Download final draft unit


Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.

AHCTRF301 Construct turf playing surfacesMinor change to Performance Criteria 5.1, Performance Evidence, and the Assessment Conditions

Minor changes to wording in Knowledge Evidence

Changes to the Foundation Skills

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF302 Establish turfMinor change to Performance Criteria 2.4 and 4.3, Knowledge Evidence, and Assessment Conditions

Change to Performance Evidence

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF303 Implement a grassed area maintenance program*Minor changes to Elements 2, 3 and 4

Two Performance Criteria added to Element 4 and minor changes to other Performance Criteria

Changes to the Foundation Skills

Minor change to Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence, and Assessment Conditions

Unit mapping comments changed to show this is a new unit

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF3XX Prepare sports surfaces for playUnit sector changed from Turf to Soil

Minor change to Performance Criteria 2.3

Changes to the Foundation Skills and Knowledge Evidence

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF304 Monitor turf healthMinor change to Application, Foundation Skills, and Assessment Conditions

Additions made to the Knowledge Evidence

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF305 Renovate sports turfNew Performance Criteria 1.2 added to identify grass species

Performance Criteria 2.4 deleted to remove duplication

Changes to the Foundation Skills, Performance Evidence, and Knowledge Evidence

Download final draft unit
AHCSOL303 Implement soil improvements for garden and turf areasMinor change to Performance Criteria to remove coordination and follow up of a work team

Minor change to the Assessment Conditions

Download final draft unit


* This existing unit – AHCTRF303 Implement a grassed area maintenance program – was available for review and feedback between 21 December 2018 – 23 January 2019. Views were sought on whether the unit describes the work functions accurately. In particular, whether the unit should require the coordination, follow up and monitoring of a work team which are included in performance criteria 1.5, 1.6, 3.1 and 4.1.

AHCTRF401 Develop a sports turf maintenance programMinor change to Performance Criteria 5.2 to remove ‘management’

Minor change to the Assessment Conditions to remove ‘management’ from the relationships

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF402 Plan and implement sports turf renovationChanges to the Foundation Skills

Minor change to wording in Knowledge Evidence

Download final draft unit


Click here to download a zipped folder of all units in this group.

AHCTRF501 Plan the establishment of sports turf playing surfacesAHCTRF501 Plan the establishment of sports turf playing surfaces has been redesigned, and includes two new elements that have arisen from the aborted AHCTRF5XXX Design sand based profile for sports turf surfaces:

  • Element 2 added to cover selection of turf profile construction materials
  • Element 3 added to cover Develop concept design for sports turf playing surface
Download final draft unit
AHCTRF502 Manage sports turf renovation programsChanges to the Foundation Skills

Minor change to Performance Evidence

Minor change to wording in Knowledge Evidence

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF503 Develop sports turf management programsMinor changes to Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence, Knowledge Evidence and Assessment Conditions

Changes to the Foundation Skills

Download final draft unit
AHCTRF504 Manage sports turf facility assetsMinor change to Application, Performance Evidence, and Assessment Conditions

New Performance Criteria 2.2 added to identify grass species

Changes to the Foundation Skills

Download final draft unit



Register your interest in the project

Subscribe to the Skills Impact newsletter to keep informed about project updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback. Make sure to select ‘Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation & Land Management’ as your industry of interest on the subscription form.



Sports turf management is a specialised sector of the horticulture industry, responsible for the construction, preparation, maintenance and restoration of sports turf surfaces. This work requires in-depth applied knowledge of the biology, physiology and cultivation of turf grasses, as well as knowledge of irrigation and drainage techniques.

Australia is home to many famous sporting grounds, including, Adelaide Oval, Melbourne Cricket Ground, The Gabba, and the Sydney Cricket and Ground. Sports fans know how much turf can affect play, with sports turf experts often being consulted on the conditions of the grounds at significant sports events.

It’s not just large stadiums where these skills are used. Knowledge of sports turf management techniques is required for the upkeep of sports grounds, horse racing courses, golf courses, bowling greens and a range of other turf surfaces, each requiring unique skills and knowledge.

Given the highly precise and specialised nature of this sector, industry have expressed a need for more detailed and in-depth training and assessment. Cultivating and maintaining sports turf requires input from a team, and skills are needed at all levels – including volunteers, apprentices, tradespeople, managers and consultants. Thanks to the contributions of industry experts, the qualifications in sports turf management have been strengthened to reflect current job roles and practices.

As a result of this process the Western Australian Turf Industry now possesses a greatly increased optimism towards the future of Sports Turf Management and the improved level of quality trained turf managers emerging to meet the industry’s challenges.” Tony Guy, President, Sports Turf Association WA

The qualifications and skills standards were approved by the Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation & Land Management Industry Reference Committee (IRC) and endorsed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC), at their meeting on 9 October 2019.

They are published on the website, within the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package. They are available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs). RTOs can find information to help them adopt to the new changes in the Companion Volume, which provides additional information about the impacts of regulation and licensing implications and workplace health and safety on their training.

Key Outcomes
  • Certificate II in Sports Turf Management reduced from 13 to 8 units (5 core and 3 elective) and revised to be more focused on practical skills, with the aim of encouraging use in a VET in Schools programs.
  • Certificate III in Sports Turf Management increased from 16 to 23 units (18 core and 5 electives) revised to reflect the breadth and depth of skills and knowledge required to work across a range of subsectors.
  • Diploma of in Sports Turf Management increased from 10 to 14 units (10 core and 4 electives) and revised to reflect the increased complexity of management and consulting roles in the industry.
  • Seventeen existing units revised
  • One new unit AHCTRF306 Prepare sports turf surfaces for play developed
  • Three new skill sets developed in areas relating to business skills, sports turf volunteers, and technical skills.
  • One qualification AHC40816 Certificate IV in Sports Turf Management proposed for deletion as industry feedback suggests it does not reflect current job roles.
Summary of consultation

Consultation has taken place with stakeholders across Australia, including representatives from various sub-sectors of the sports turf management industry, along with registered training organisations and Government bodies. The broader industry was consulted on the draft documents at two different stages – the ‘Drafts Available’ and ‘Validation’ stages. A description of how feedback was considered can be downloaded below.

During these stages stakeholders provided feedback via face-to-face or webinar workshops, email, telephone or online surveys, and/or forwarded project information on to their networks.

The ‘Finalisation’ stage includes the development and publishing of a validation summary for each project. A summary of feedback and how it has been considered and applied at each stage can be downloaded below.

Please find below links to the final documents, that are published on the website.

Click here to download the Case for Endorsement

Note that this Case for Endorsement also includes units, skill sets and qualifications that have been developed as part of the Horticulture Technology Project, the Carbon & Agribusiness Management Project, and the Viticulture Project.