The events listed on this calendar are events that Skills Impact will be participating in or have been asked to list on our website. We are always happy to include industry events in the below calendar. If you would like your event listed here, please contact us.
Please also note that this calendar is not a comprehensive list of events and having an event listed does not imply Skills Impact endorsement.

- This event has passed.
Ag Future Jobs Forum
November 21, 2017 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
FREEWe would like to invite you to attend the Skills Impact Ag Future Jobs Forum, on National Agriculture Day (AgDay).
Do you have insight on what ag jobs look like in the future?
Join us to discuss the current and future job and workforce needs of the agriculture industry. This forum will focus on industry drivers and their impact on the skills needs of workers at all levels.
How will your attendance contribute to industry?
Your feedback will help us to update the IRC Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work. This is the key document that informs the government of priority skill needs and seeks funding for projects to review and develop qualifications, skill sets and units of competency. To see an example of current projects that received funding out of last year’s IRC Skills Forecast, click here.
Your feedback will also inform Skills Impact’s submission to the Senate inquiry into the Future of Work and the Future of Workers, to ensure the inquiry receives information about future jobs in the agriculture and related sectors.
Date: Tue 21 Nov
(Afternoon tea will be provided)
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Cost: Free
The Canberra Club
51 Blackall St
Barton ACT
(The venue is walking distance from the NFF Office where the Ag Day BBQ Lunch will be held)
Click here to RSVP
Win 1 of 5 seats to the Gala Dinner
As part of the AgDay celebrations, Skills Impact is pleased to be hosting a table at the National Agriculture Day: Gala Dinner. Industry leaders who are able to attend the Skills Impact Ag Skills Forum will also go into the draw to win one of five complimentary seats on the Skills Impact table at the Gala Dinner. Click here to RSVP
Who should attend?
This forum is targeted at industry leaders at all levels, who have their eyes firmly on the future, and want to participate in strategic discussions about future job roles of industry. To contribute you will need to have viewpoints on the industry and issues affecting the industry into the future.
Other AgDay Events
The Ag Future Jobs Forum will be held on the same day, and within short distance of other key AgDay events and activities:
Skills Impact is hosting the Ag Future Jobs Forum on behalf of the the Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) listed below. Skills Impact provides support services to these IRCs, so they can effectively connect and engage with industry in the development of units of competency, skill sets and qualifications.
- Agriculture and Production Horticulture IRC View membership here
- Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation & Land Management IRC View membership here
IRCs are appointed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee and Skills Impact is a national Skills Service Organisation (SSO), funded by the Commonwealth Government.