Our Role Establishing Skills Insight JSC

Skills Impact held a Skills Service Organisation (SSO) role between 2016 and 2022. In 2023 we established one of ten Job and Skills Councils (JSCs), after a submission to move into the role was backed by over 200 letters of support from a broad range of industry stakeholders. This new JSC, Skills Insight, has a broader scope to deliver outcomes that support a responsive VET system and a skilled and resilient national workforce. The industry coverage of Skills Insight is similar to our past coverage as a Skills Service Organisation.

Visit the Skills Insight website

Update on Projects

  The following projects are underway to review and update industry units of competency, skill sets and qualifications, for use by industry and the vocational training and education sector. The Government allocates projects to Industry Reference Committees, based on advice in the annual IRC Skills Forecasts and Proposed Schedules of Work. On behalf of the IRCs, Skills Impact manages the projects. Cross Sector Projects Skills Impact is leading the development of the cross sector projects listed below, in collaboration with the … Read More

AgDay Activities

Last week, Australia Celebrated National Agricultural Day (AgDay). November 21st was a day to celebrate the remarkable contribution of agriculture to Australia’s economy and society. AgDay is a national initiative supported in its development by the National Farmers’ Federation and the Federal Department of Agriculture & Water Resources (DAWR). As part of the day’s activities, Skills Impact hosted an Ag Future Jobs Forum. We also attended the AgDay BBQ and Gala Dinner. The Skills Impact Ag Future Jobs Forum provided an opportunity for industry leaders … Read More

New Projects For Timber And Pulp & Paper Industries

Two new projects are now underway in the timber and forest industry to review units of competency, skill sets and qualifications, relating to skills in Prefabricated and Cross Laminated Timber Building Systems. Another new project has also commenced for the pulp and paper manufacturing industry. Technical Advisory Committees are being established for each project, to provide technical input to the review and development of units, skill sets and qualifications. If you are interested in applying to be a technical expert for any of these projects and … Read More

Forest Harvesting Optimisation Project Endorsed

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) has approved the Case for Endorsement for the updated and revised units of competency, along with a Companion Volume Implementation Guide. The revised units will be released on to training.gov.au by the end of 2017, contained within the FWP Forest and Wood Products Training Package. Once published on training.gov.au, the units will be available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs). Delivery, as always, is dependent on enrolment demand for the course, so please contact your training provider to get this training … Read More

Wine Operations Project: Feedback on Draft Qualifications & Units

The Wine Operations Project has now moved to the ‘consultation’ stage, which means draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency are now available for your review and feedback. We would like you to look at these documents and tell us if they reflect current industry practices and accurately describe job functions? Do they describe all the knowledge and skills required to perform the work? The draft qualifications skill sets and units will be available on the Skills Impact website for input and … Read More

Food & Beverage Manufacturing – Cross Sector Project Project: Feedback on Draft Units

Cross-sector units of competency that apply across multiple qualifications in the FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package are now available for your review and feedback. We would like you to look at these documents and tell us if they reflect current industry practices and accurately describe job functions? Do they describe all the knowledge and skills required to perform the work? Working concurrently with the Food Science and Technology and the Wine Operations projects, these ‘cross-sector’ units are being reviewed and updated to reflect current … Read More

Projects in Agricultural & Horticultural Sectors: Feedback Sought on Drafts

Draft qualifications, skill sets and units are now available for your review and feedback, for the projects listed below. We would like you to look at these documents and tell us if they reflect current industry practices and accurately describe job functions? Do they describe all the knowledge and skills required to perform the work? The qualifications, skill sets and units will be available on the Skills Impact website for input and feedback until 10 December. To provide your feedback, please visit the … Read More

Food Science and Technology Project: Feedback Sought on Drafts

The Food Science and Technology Project has now moved to the ‘consultation’ stage, which means draft qualifications, skill sets and units of competency are now available for your review and feedback. Feedback is being sought on the draft documents with the aim of accurately describing all job functions and to reflect the current rigorous regulations on food and beverage product safety. The qualifications, skill sets and units will be available on the Skills Impact website for input and feedback until 15 December. … Read More

Automation Skills Project: Provide Feedback on Draft Case for Change

Thank you to those who provided feedback on how automation will impact your organisation and the skills required by your workforce. Skills Impact has incorporated your feedback into a final automation skills research report and this has now been considered by the Project Reference Group. This report has been used by Skills Impact to inform our development of a draft Case for Change. The draft Case for Change proposes training package developments and modifications to address identified cross-industry skill requirements. We … Read More

Forest Harvesting Optimisation Project: Submitted for Endorsement

The final draft units of competency have now been submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) for consideration and approval at their next meeting. They have been submitted as part of a Case for Endorsement, which is a compilation of materials and information used by the AISC to make a decision to approve the final draft units. Once endorsed, the units will be published on training.gov.au and available for use by registered training organisations (RTOs).

Apiculture (Bees) Project: Feedback Sought on Draft Qualification, Skill Set & Units

The Apiculture (Bees) Project has now moved to the ‘consultation’ stage, which means the draft qualification, skill set and units of competency are now available for your review and feedback. The Certificate III in Beekeeping, skill set and units have been revised to address skills that relate to biosecurity, pollination and business management. Feedback is being sought on whether the draft documents accurately describe all job functions and that they reflect the current skills standards and practices of industry. The qualification, skill set and units … Read More

Skills Impact Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation with a charitable purpose of Advancing Education. Skills Impact acknowledges the previous support of the Commonwealth which assisted in establishing this website.

Skills Impact acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have been living in and caring for Australia for tens of thousands of years, and this is respected in line with Skills Impact values. We recognise the challenges involved for people who are not related to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders to understand the importance of their connection to Country. Skills Impact seeks and relies on guidance from Indigenous people in our work.